[R] Sweave, Texshop, and sync with included Rnw file

michele caseposta mic.cipi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 00:33:05 CET 2013

I just updated R and patchDVI (from CRAN).
Now I can reverse search from the pdf to the included.Rnw.
However, I cannot forward search from the included to the pdf. Is this how it is expected to work?
Forward and inverse search work between main Rnw and pdf.

I am pasting below the code in the two files.

%%%%%%%%% Sweavetest.Rnw %%%%%%%%%%%%




\title{an Sweave inclusion test}


This is an example for the inclusion of RNW files and forward-inverse search.

following is a chunk of sweave code:

n <- 5
for(i in 1:n){

\section{text from an included file}


%%%%%%%%% Included.Rnw %%%%%%%%%%%%

% !Rnw root = Sweavetest.Rnw

this is some text included in an Rnw file

for(i in 1:3){

On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:38 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

> On 13-01-10 4:54 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> thanks for the replies.
>> I might have not explained the problem completely.
>> Duncan Mackay:
>> Yes, I am already having a master file and separate Rnw files.
>> Duncan Murdock:
>> I am using patchDVI in the TexShop Sweave engine.
>> Sync works flawlessly between the master file and the pdf produced by pdflatex.
>> My problem is that I don't seem to be able to obtain sync between the *included* Rnws and the pdf, either way.
>> The sweave engine is as follows:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> R CMD Sweave "$1"
>> latexmk -pdf -silent -pdflatex=‘pdflatex –shell-escape –synctex=1′"${1%.*}"
>> Rscript -e "library(‘patchDVI’);patchSynctex(‘${1%.*}.synctex.gz’)"
>> Funny thing is that the sync works in texworks, using the following Rscript line
>> patchDVI::SweavePDF('$fullname',stylepath=FALSE)
>> I tried to mix and match configurations between texshop and texworks but I had no luck
> I just tried a simple example in TeXShop and it worked for me.  My Sweave engine is
> #!/bin/tcsh
> # set path= ($path /usr/local/bin)
> Rscript -e "patchDVI::SweavePDF(  '$1' )"
> So it seems to be work listing versions:  On the Mac, I'm using R 2.15.0 patched, rev 59478, with patchDVI version 1.8.1584 (I just uploaded 1.9 to CRAN, by the way), TeXShop version 2.43.
> It also works on Windows, where I have current releases of R and patchDVI installed.
> If you've got current versions of everything installed and it's still not working, could you try putting together a small reproducible example?
> Duncan Murdoch
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>> On 13-01-09 9:09 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>>> On 13-01-09 3:25 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone.
>>>>> I am in the process of writing a book in Latex with Texshop, on Mac.
>>>>> This book contains a lot of R code, hence the need to use Sweave.
>>>>> I was able to compile Rnw files, and to sync back and forth from the pdf to the source Rnw.
>>>>> My problem now is that the book is divided in Chapters, and every chapter is in its own Rnw file.
>>>>> I can compile them from the main one (book.Rnw) using the directive
>>>>> \SweaveInput{chapter1.Rnw}
>>>>> The problem stands in the fact that like this I am missing synchronization between the pdf and the source Rnw. If part of text is in book.Rnw I can synchronize, but if the text is in one of the included files, it just doesn't work.
>>>>> I am using the sweave engine found in the following webpage:
>>>>> http://cameron.bracken.bz/synctex-with-sweavepgfsweave-in-texshoptexworks
>>>>> Has anybody succeeded in synchronizing with included Rnw files?
>>>> This is a problem addressed by my patchDVI package, available on
>>>> R-forge.  You have a main file (which can be .tex or .Rnw), and put code
>>>> at the start of each .Rnw file to indicate where to find it.  Then you
>>>> just run Sweave on one of the chapters, and it automatically produces
>>>> the full document.
>>>> The sample document here:
>>>> http://www.umanitoba.ca/statistics/seminars/2011/3/4/duncan-murdoch-using-sweave-R/
>>>> includes an appendix describing how to set this up with TeXShop.
>>> I just committed an update to the vignette in patchDVI giving a quick version of the instructions for basic use. Version 1.8.1585 has the new vignette.
>>> I should get around to pushing it to CRAN one of these days...
>>> Duncan Murdoch

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