[R] Codetools Query (repost)

Saptarshi Guha saptarshi.guha at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 02:32:00 CET 2013

Sorry for reposting,  i keep forgetting this should be plain text.
Will not make this mistake again


The following code

moo <- function(a=1){ x=1; x=x+y}
funs <- new.env()
enter <- function(type, v, e, w){
  assign(v, TRUE, funs)
collectUsage(moo, enterGlobal = enter)

adds + to the environment funs i.e.

funs: "=" "{" "+" "y"

How can i ignore variables which are present in base, utils, stat
environments from being added (equivalently(?) symbols present in R
when R is started)

I tried

funs <- new.env()
enter <- function(type, v, e, w){
  if(codetools:::isBaseVar(v, w$env) || codetools:::isStatsVar(v, w$env)
     || codetools:::isUtilsVar(v, w$env) || v == "Quote")
  assign(v, TRUE, funs)

collectUsage(moo, enterGlobal = enter)

but this threw

Error in exists(v, envir = e, inherits = FALSE, mode = "function") :
  invalid 'envir' argument


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