[R] random effects model

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 14 23:54:10 CET 2013



BP.stack3 <- reshape(BP_2bNM,idvar="CODEA",timevar="time",sep="",varying=list(c("Obese14","Obese21"),c("Overweight14","Overweight21"),c("hibp14","hibp21")),v.names=c("Obese","Overweight","HiBP"),times=factor(c(1,2)),direction="long")
BP.stack3$Obese<- recode(BP.stack3$Obese,"1='Obese';0='Not Obese'")
BP.stack3$Overweight<- recode(BP.stack3$Overweight,"1='Overweight';0='Not Overweight'")


You could try lmer() from lme4.  
fm1<-lmer(HiBP~time+(1|CODEA), family=binomial,data=BP.stack3) #check codes, not sure
              scales = list(x = list(relation = "free")))[[1]])
qmt1<- qqmath(ranef(fm1, postVar=TRUE)) 


From: Usha Gurunathan <usha.nathan at gmail.com>
To: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> 
Cc: R help <r-help at r-project.org> 
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [R] random effects model


I have been trying to create some plots. All being categorical variables, I am not getting any luck with plots. The few ones that have worked are below:

barchart(~table(HiBP)|Obese,data=BP.sub3) ## BP.sub3 is the stacked data without missing values


plot(jitter(hibp14,factor=2)~jitter(Obese14,factor=2),col="gray",cex=0.7, data=Copy.of.BP_2)  ## Copy.of.BP_2 is the original wide format

## not producing any good plots with mixed models as well.
summary(lme.3 <- lme(HiBP~time, data=BP.sub3,random=~1|CODEA, na.action=na.omit))
print(plot(ranef(lme.3))) ##

Thanks for any help.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 4:33 AM, arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>I think I mentioned to you before that when you reshape the
>columns excluding the response variable, response variable gets repeated
>(in this case hibp14 or hibp21) and creates the error"
>I run your code, there are obvious problems in the code so I didn't reach up to BP.gee
>BP.stack3 <- reshape(BP_2b,idvar="CODEA",timevar="time",sep="_",varying=list(c("Obese14","Obese21"),c("Overweight14","Overweight21")),v.names=c("Obese","Overweight"),times=factor(c(1,2)),direction="long")
>BP.stack3 <- transform(BP.stack3,CODEA=factor(CODEA),Sex=factor(Sex,labels=c("Male","Female")),MaternalAge=factor(MaternalAge,labels=c("39years or less","40-49 years","50 years or older")),Education=factor(Education,labels=c("Primary/special","Started secondary","Completed grade10", "Completed grade12", "College","University")),Birthplace=factor(Birthplace,labels=c("Australia","Other English-speaking","Other")))
> BP.stack3$Sex <- factor(BP.stack3$Sex,levels=levels(BP.stack3$Sex)[c(2,1)])
> BP.sub3a <-  subset(BP.stack3,subset=!(is.na(Sex)| is.na(Education)|is.na(Birthplace)|is.na(Education)|is.na(hibp14)| is.na(hibp21)))  
> nrow(BP.sub3a)
>#[1] 3364
> BP.sub5a <- BP.sub3a[order(BP.sub3a$CODEA),] # your code was BP.sub5a <- BP.sub3a[order(BP.sub5a$CODEA),] 
>                                                                                                                                                                         ^^^^^ was not defined before
>#Next line
>BPsub3$Categ[BPsub6$Overweight==1&BPsub3$time==1&BPsub3$Obese==0]<- "Overweight14"  #It should be BP.sub3 and what is BPsub6, it was not defined previously.
>#Error in BPsub3$Categ[BPsub6$Overweight == 1 & BPsub3$time == 1 & BPsub3$Obese ==  :
>  #object 'BPsub3' not found
>From: Usha Gurunathan <usha.nathan at gmail.com>
>To: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com>
>Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 1:51 AM
>Subject: Re: [R] random effects model
>Thanks a lot  for explaining that.
>1. With the chi sq. ( in order to find out if the diffce is significant between groups) do I have create a separate excel file and make a dataframe.How do I go about it?
>I have resent a mail to Jun Yan at a difft email ad( first add.didn't work, mail not delivered).
>2. With my previous query ( reg. Obese/Overweight/ Normal at age 14 Vs change of blood pressure status at 21), even though I had compromised without the age-specific regression, but I am still keen to explore why the age-specific regression didn't work despite it looking okay. I have given below the syntax. If you get time, could you kindly look at it and see if it could work by any chance? Apologies for persisting with this query.
>BP.stack3 <-
> names(BP.stack3)[c(2,3,4,5,6,7)] <-
>BP.stack3 <-
>or less","40-49 years","50 years or
>secondary","Completed grade10", "Completed grade12",
>BP.stack3$Sex <-
>BP.sub3a <-  subset(BP.stack3,subset=!(is.na(Sex)| is.na(Education)|is.na(Birthplace)|is.na(Education)|is.na(hibp14)| is.na(hibp21)))   
>BP.sub5a <- BP.sub3a[order(BP.sub5a$CODEA),] 
> BPsub3$Categ[BPsub6$Overweight==1&BPsub3$time==1&BPsub3$Obese==0]
><- "Overweight14"
><- "Overweight21"
>] <- "Obese14"
>BPsub3$Categ[BPsub3$Obese==0&BPsub3$time==1&BPsub3 BPsub3$Categ[BPsub6$Overweight==1&BPsub3$time==1&BPsub3$Obese==0]
><- "Overweight14"$Overweight==0]
><- "Normal14"
><- "Normal21"
><- "Obese21"
>BPsub3$Categ <- factor(BPsub3$Categ)
>BPsub3$time <- factor(BPsub3$time)
>BPsub7 <- subset(BPsub6,subset=!(is.na(Categ)))
>BPsub7$time <-
>BPsub7$hibp14 <- factor(BPsub7$hibp14)
>head(BPsub7)    ### this was looking quite okay.
>BP.gee <- geese(hibp14~ time*Categ,
>Thanks again.
>On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 1:22 PM, arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>table(BP_2b$Sex) #original dataset
>>#   1    2
>>#3232 3028
>> nrow(BP_2b)
>>#[1] 6898
>> nrow(BP_2bSexNoMV)
>>#[1] 6260
>> 6898-6260
>>#[1] 638 #these rows were removed from the BP_2b to create BP_2bSexNoMV
>> nrow(BP_2bSexMale)
>>#[1] 3232
>> nrow(BP_2bSexMale[!complete.cases(BP_2bSexMale),]) #Missing rows with Male
>>#[1] 2407
>> nrow(BP_2bSexMale[complete.cases(BP_2bSexMale),]) #Non missing rows with Male
>>#[1] 825
>>You did the chisquare test on the new dataset with 6260 rows, right.
>>I removed those 638 rows because these doesn't belong to either male or female, but you want the % of missing value per male or female.  So, I thought this will bias the results.  If you want to include the missing values, you could do it, but I don't know where you would put that missing values as it cannot be classified as belonging specifically to males or females.  I hope you understand it.
>>Sometimes, the maintainer's respond a bit slow.  You have to sent an email reminding him again.
>>Regarding the vmv package, you could email Waqas Ahmed Malik (malik at math.uni-augsburg.de) regarding options for changing the title and the the font etc.
>>You could also use this link (http://www.r-bloggers.com/visualizing-missing-data-2/ ) to plot missing value (?plot.missing()).  I never used that package, but you could try.  Looks like it gives more information.
>>From: Usha Gurunathan <usha.nathan at gmail.com>
>>To: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com>
>>Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 9:05 PM
>>Subject: Re: [R] random effects model
>>Hi A.K
>>So it is number of females missing/total female participants enrolled: 72.65%
>>Number of females missing/total (of males+ females)  participants enrolled : 35.14%
>>The total no. with the master data: Males: 3232, females: 3028 ( I got this before removing any missing values)
>>with table(Copy.of.BP_2$ Sex)  ## BP
>>If I were to write a table (  and do a chi sq. later), 
>>as Gender            Study                    Non study/missing     Total
>>      Male              825 (25.53%)             2407 (74.47%)       3232 (100%)
>>    Female           828 (27.35%)             2200 (72.65%)       3028 ( 100%)
>>     Total              1653                          4607                      6260    
>>The problem is when I did 
>>>colSums(is.na(Copy.of.BP_2), the sex category showed N=638.
>>I cannot understand the discrepancy.Also, when you have mentioned to remove NA, is that not a missing value that needs to be included in the total number missing. I am a bit confused. Can you help?
>>## I tried sending email to gee pack maintainer at the ID with R site, mail didn't go through??
>>Many thanks
>>On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 9:17 AM, arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>Yes, you are right.  72.655222% was those missing among females.  35.14377% of values in females are missing from among the whole dataset (combined total of Males+Females data after removing the NAs from the variable "Sex"). 
>>>From: Usha Gurunathan <usha.nathan at gmail.com>
>>>To: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com>
>>>Cc: R help <r-help at r-project.org>
>>>Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:59 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [R] random effects model
>>>Hi AK
>>>That works. I was trying to get  similar results from any other package. Being a beginner, I was not sure how to modify the syntax to get my output.
>>>2bSexNoMV$Sex),function(x) (nrow(x[!complete.cases(x[,-2]),])/nrow(x))*100) #gives the percentage of rows of missing #values from the overall rows for Males and Females
>>>#[1] 72.65522
>>>#[1] 74.47401
>>>#iF you want the percentage from the total number rows in Males and Females (without NA's in the the Sex column)
>>> lapply(split(BP_2bSexNoMV,BP_2bSexNoMV$Sex),function(x) (nrow(x[!complete.cases(x[,-2]),])/nrow(BP_2bSexNoMV))*100)
>>>#[1] 35.14377
>>>#[1] 38.45048
>>>How do I interpret the above 2 difft results? 72.66% of values were missing among female participants?? Can you pl. clarify.
>>>Many thanks.
>>>On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 3:28 AM, arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>lapply(split(BP_2bSexNoMV,BP_2bSexNoMV$Sex),function(x) (nrow(x[!complete.cases(x[,-2]),])/nrow(x))*100) #gives the percentage of rows of missing #values from the overall rows for Males and Females
>>>>#[1] 72.65522
>>>>#[1] 74.47401
>>>>#iF you want the percentage from the total number rows in Males and Females (without NA's in the the Sex column)
>>>> lapply(split(BP_2bSexNoMV,BP_2bSexNoMV$Sex),function(x) (nrow(x[!complete.cases(x[,-2]),])/nrow(BP_2bSexNoMV))*100)
>>>>#[1] 35.14377
>>>>#[1] 38.45048

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