[R] lattice xyplot point labelling

Duncan Mackay mackay at northnet.com.au
Wed Feb 27 23:36:27 CET 2013


the bottom panel seems ok so for the top you 
supply a vector of positions that are your 
required positions (name eg posvec) to the panel 
function. may need to do the same for other functions
to access the correct panel there is the ifelse statement

posvec = c(...)

   panel = function(x, y , subscripts,...) {
           pnl = panel.number()
           panel.xyplot(x, y, cex=0.8,...)
           panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 2, col ="gray")
           if (pnl == 2){
           panel.text(x, y, labels=tv.ms$inq[subscripts],
                      cex = 0.7, pos=3, offset=1, srt=0, adj=c(1,1))
           } else {
           panel.text(x, y, labels=tv.ms$inq[subscripts],
                      cex = 0.7, pos=posvec, offset=1, srt=0, adj=c(1,1))
           #alternative to the use of panel.text
           #ltext(x=x, y=y, labels=tv.ms$inq[subscripts], pos=1, cex=0.8)



Duncan Mackay
Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Email: home: mackay at northnet.com.au

At 22:30 27/02/2013, you wrote:
>This is my reproducible example 
>tv.ms<-structure(list(inq = structure(4:17, 
>.Label = c("D4", "D5", "D6a", "D6b", "D6c", 
>"D7", "D8", "F4", "F5a", "F5b", "F6a", "F6b", 
>"F6c", "F6d", "F7a", "F7b", "F8"), class = 
>"factor"), tv.km.median.iteq = 
>c(0.320000000000004, 0.239999999999998, 
>0.240000000000002, 0.0800000000000001, 
>0.989999999999995, 0.309999999999999, 
>4.47000000000003, 0.620000000000005, 
>0.620000000000005, 0.18, 0.790000000000006, 
>0.32, 0.0200000000000005, 0.01), 
>ms.km.median.iteq = c(0.420000000000002, 
>0.380000000000001, 0.33, 0.0900000000000001, 
>1.06999999999994, 0.559999999999974, 
>5.20000000000027, 1.5, 1.19, 0.469999999999999, 
>0.310000000000002, 0.459999999999999, 
>0.0400000000000003, 0.04 ), type = c("PCDD", 
>"PCDD", "PCDD", "PCDD", "PCDF", "PCDF", "PCDF", 
>"PCDF", "PCDF", "PCDF", "PCDF", "PCDF", "PCDF", 
>"PCDF")), .Names = c("inq", "tv.km.median.iteq", 
>"ms.km.median.iteq", "type"), row.names = 4:17, 
>class = "data.frame") I worked out the chart 
>mainly with the hints of this great forum 
>(thanks again for that): what I’ve done so far 
>accomplishes my needs except for that now I need 
>a little final tweaking in order to avoid the 
>overlapping of some specific labels (i.e. by 
>looking at the plot the labels: F6b and F6a, F7a 
>and F5a) 
>data=tv.ms,         layout=c(1,2), 
>aspect="xy",         xlab = expression(paste('ms 
>[ fg/', m^3, ' ]', sep = '')),         ylab = 
>expression(paste('tv [ fg/', m^3, ' ]', sep = 
>'')),         scales= list(relation="free", 
>log=10, cex=0.8),                prepanel = 
>function(x, y, subscripts) {           rr<- 
>range(cbind(x,y))           list(xlim = rr, 
>ylim= rr)         },         panel = function(x, 
>y , subscripts,...) {           panel.xyplot(x, 
>y, cex=0.8,...)           panel.abline(a = 0, b 
>= 1, lty = 2, col 
>="gray")           panel.text(x, y, 
>cex = 0.7, pos=3, offset=1, srt=0, 
>adj=c(1,1))           #alternative to the use of 
>panel.text           #ltext(x=x, y=y, 
>labels=tv.ms$inq[subscripts], pos=1, 
>cex=0.8)         },         #subscripts=TRUE, 
>      xscale.components = 
>function(...)  {           ans <- 
>xscale.components.logpower(...)           range 
><- ans$num.limit           newtck <- 
>ans$bottom$ticks$at <- 
>newtck           ans$bottom$labels$at <- 
>newtck           ans$bottom$labels$labels 
>ans         } ,         yscale.components  = 
>function(...)  {           ans <- 
>yscale.components.logpower(...)           range 
><- ans$num.limit           newtck <- 
>ans$left$ticks$at <- 
>newtck           ans$left$labels$at <- 
>newtck           ans$left$labels$labels 
>ans         } ) I’m thinking to sort out the 
>problem by: 1 -       plotting all labels except 
>for those overlapping (i.e the above mentioned 
>points); 2 -  plotting the remaining labels 
>(i.e. the overlapping ones) by introducing a 
>“manual displacement”; I know that’s 
>probably not much efficient nor elegant 
>resorting to a “manual solution” involving 
>at least two “plotting steps” (the first to 
>see where to tweak and the second to fix) but I 
>can’t think to any other solution Any help? 
>Thank you max -- View this message in context: 
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