[R] Parallel computation in R

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Mon Feb 25 19:39:06 CET 2013

On 2013-02-25 10:00, Christofer Bogaso wrote:
> Hello again, in the task view I see that "Direct support in R is
> starting with release 2.14.0 which includes a new package parallel
> .......". However I can not get any access to it. When I type
> ls('package:parallel'), I get following error:
>>   ls('package:parallel')
> Error in as.environment(pos) :
>    no item called "package:parallel" on the search list
> I am using R-2.15.2 on windows.
> Can somebody suggest me what I need to do if I want to do parallel

Well, presumably you would first go to the library, get the package
off the shelf and put it on your search path.
This should do it:


Peter Ehlers

> computing on windows?
> Thanks for your help.

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