[R] Cramer von Mises test for a discrete distribution
Santiago Guallar
sguallar at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 19 15:49:45 CET 2013
I'm trying to carry out Cramer von Mises tests between pairs of vectors belonging to a discrete distribution (concretely frequencies from 0 to 200). However, the program crashes in the attempt. The problem seems to be that these vectors only have positive integer numbers (+ zero). When I add a random very small positive decimal to the non-decimal part everything works fine (files prm1 & prpmr1). I attach two of these vectors so you can run the following code. I've also thought to divide both vectors by a real constant such as pi. Do you think these two approaches are acceptable?
prm = scan('prm.txt')
prpmr = scan('prpmr.txt')
ct1 = cvmts.test(prm, prpmr) # here R crashes
cvmts.pval( ct1, length(prm), length(prpmr) )
Thank you for your help,
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