[R] LaplacesDemon.hpc parallel prosessing problem

Journals fbjournals at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 10:42:45 CET 2013

I have a problem with the LaplacesDemon.hpc which terminates with an 
error. I am not sure if this is in the parallel or the LaplacesDemon 
package. And if it is a unsuffiency of my code or of the packages.

The code runs WELL as NON paralellized code.....

 > Fit <- LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values,
+                      Covar=NULL, Iterations=31500, Status=3000, 
+                      Algorithm="twalk", Specs=list(SIV=NULL, n1=4, 
at=6, aw=1.5), CPUs=2)

CPUs Detected: 4

Laplace's Demon is preparing environments for CPUs...


Status messages are not displayed for parallel processing.
Laplace's Demon is beginning parallelization...
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
   2 nodes produced errors; first error: incorrect number of dimensions

Laplace's Demon has finished.

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