[R] Moderated list?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Tue Feb 5 22:28:59 CET 2013

The moderation has changed. Postings from new subscribers are held until reviewed and approved as passing weakly structured Turing test. (I just removed your moderation flag and your postings will not be further reviewed after whatever day long review cycle completes.)

On Feb 5, 2013, at 10:50 AM, Göran Broström wrote:

> I've been away from this list but reentered recently. Now when I send a question I get an automated answer saying:
> -------
> Your mail to 'R-help' with the subject
>     ..............
> Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
> The reason it is being held:
>    Post to moderated list
> -------
> Is this the new style of the list?

Only on entry. The main reason has been increased spam efforts through the Nabble portal.

> Göran


David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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