[R] Loading a list into the environment

Rui Barradas ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
Sat Feb 2 00:49:46 CET 2013


Something like this?

myfun <- function(x, envir = .GlobalEnv){
	nm <- names(x)
	for(i in seq_along(nm))
		assign(nm[i], x[[i]], envir)

myvariables <- list(a=1:10,b=20)


Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 01-02-2013 22:24, Jonathan Greenberg escreveu:
> R-helpers:
> Say I have a list:
> myvariables <- list(a=1:10,b=20)
> Is there a way to load the list components into the environment as
> variables based on the component names?  i.e. by applying this theoretical
> function to myvariables I would have the variables a and b loaded into the
> environment without having to explicitly define them.
> --j

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