[R] problem with newline using bquote(paste())

Gerard Smits g_smits at verizon.net
Fri Aug 30 17:26:49 CEST 2013

Hi All,

This is a variant of a problem I posted yesterday (see below) where I found I had a large gap between my N= and he number I had evaluated using .(x).  I seem to have trouble with newlines in a main title.  I find now that all works as expected (no unsightly gap between my N= and the value, if all of the title is put on the same line.  Whenever I try the newline, I run into problems.

Below, I have one example that gives me no syntax errors, but simply does not print the information after the \n (the N= xxx) part.

Any help appreciated.



PS using R 3.0.0

     jitter=list(x=1, y=1),
     main=as.expression(bquote(paste("Baseline xyz with Month 18 DAS28\n")), bquote(paste("(N=",.(ss),")"))),
     xlab="Baseline xyz", 
     ylab="Month 18 DAS28",

Prior, related post:

On Aug 29, 2013, at 2:00 PM, Gerard Smits <g_smits at verizon.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm using R 3.0.0.  I'm trying to add the sample size of the paired data (calculated by a function n(), which returns a value of 70, correctly).
> My main title works fine except that the '70' appears far to the right on the line as in:
>  at Month 18 (N=                                       70)
> Is there a way of left justifying the result of .(ss)?  or some other way of removing with whitespace between n= and 70?.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Gerard
> library (car)
> data<-read.csv("//users//smits//r_work//data.csv", header = TRUE)
> attach(data);
> ##################################################################################################################
> ss<-n(m18_das28*b_score)
> scatterplot(m18_das28~b_score,
>     jitter=list(x=1, y=1),
>     grid=F,
>     smooth=F,
>     las=1,
>     pch=c(1),
>     col='blue',
>     main=bquote(paste("Hypothesis 9.4.1\nBaseline XYZ with Disease Activity (DAS28)\nat Month 18 (N=",.(ss),")")),
>     xlab="Baseline XYZ", 
>     ylab="Month 18 DAS28",
>     legend.plot=F)

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