[R] Reading labels for very large heatmaps
jim5bm at virginia.edu
Mon Oct 8 08:17:55 CEST 2012
It's definitely bigger now, but my axes are cut-off. As in your example, I
had them drawn after generating the heatmap, but the image does not seem to
be centered. I think even part of the heatmap is getting cut off, which
wasn't happening until I explicitly set the width and height of the pdf.
Here is my code
> pdf("Apo_Mut_Boot.pdf", width=200, height=200)
> heatmap(x=as.matrix((Apo_Mut)), col =
> colorRampPalette(c("white","black"))(256),
> zlim=c(min(Apo_Mut),max(Apo_Mut)), add = FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs =
> "i",xaxt= "n", yaxt = "n", xlab="residue", ylab="residue",
> main="Apo-Mutant",revC=TRUE, Rowv = as.dendrogram(blah2), Colv =
> as.dendrogram(blah2), reorderfun = function(d,w) rev(reorder(d,w)),
> oldstyle = FALSE,cexRow=0.01,cexCol=0.01,symm=TRUE )
> axis(1, at=1:919, labels=RowCol, las=2, cex=0.01)
> axis(4, at=1:919, labels=RowCol, las=2, cex=0.01)
> box()
> graphics.off()
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