[R] problem with Erlang function

R. Michael Weylandt michael.weylandt at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 18:24:26 CET 2012

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 1:49 PM, alen <tarhouni_wael at hotmail.fr> wrote:
> I'm beginner with R language
> My goal is to write a function that takes an input Erlang entering your
> · Name
> · Name
> · Date of birth.
> The program will calculate age and display output
> first
> I do know the system date (month, day, year)
> I find with Sys.Date ()
> I found a function. net to calculate the age
> Protected Sub calcul_age()
>     Dim datetimenow = DateTime.Now
>     Dim datedenaissance = CDate(TbDn.Text)
>     Dim age As Integer
>     age = CInt(Now.Year - datedenaissance.Year)
>     If (datedenaissance.Month > Now.Month) Then
>     age = age - 1
>     End If
>     If ((datedenaissance.Month = Now.Month) And (datedenaissance.Day >
> Now.Day)) Then
>     age = age - 1
>     End If
>     Me.Label3.Text = " Age : " & age & " ans"
>     End Sub
> So I need to find the equivalent of this function with R language
> so I think that I will start by :
> affichage<-function()
> {
> print( "enter the first name" )
> firstname <-  scan(nmax=1)
> print( "enter the last name" )
>  lastname <-  scan(nmax=1)
> print( "enter the date of birth" )
> dateofbirth <-  ........  here start the problem
> ........
> ............
> }

Hi Alen,

I'm afraid I'm confused: how does this tie into Erlang? Do you mean
the distribution or the programming language?

As to the question you've posed, try taking a look at

? readline

? as.Date (because readline gives you a character string)

Then take the difference between Sys.Date() and their DOB -- truncate
to a year and that's your answer.


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