[R] Calling R object from R function
R. Michael Weylandt
michael.weylandt at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 17:46:14 CET 2012
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Fares Said <frespider at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> you mentioned I can get help, can you give more details please.
Hi Fares,
I also asked that you keep our correspondance on the mailing list.
Please do so. If you want private help, you can seek a local
statistical consultancy, but free help is available here, if you
follow protocol.
> I also edited the example to make productive.
But I'm not using Nabble and neither are most of your other potential
respondents: if you want to use an email help list, it's much better
to use email. For instance, if we check the official R help archives
-- https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2012-November/328391.html --
you'll see your post wasn't changed. It's rather wretched that Nabble
allows that, in my opinion, as it invalidates conversations.
> and you might tell me to create the M1 function on the get.m function but I
> prefer not because I have 9 to ten function and they have lots statement and
> I prefer to keep them separate
I've copied your Nabble post here:
Dat <- cbind(x,rnorm(40,2,30));colnames(Dat) <-
M1 <- function(Trdat,Tedat,mdat,nsam,conv){
M1list <- NULL
vectx <- c(1,4,6,7,9)
vectz <- c(2,3,7,1,4,9)
X <- Trdat[,vectx]
Z <- Trdat[,vectz]
Y <- Trdat[,ncol(Trdat)]
TesX <- Tedat[,vectx]
TesZ <- Tedat[,vectz]
TesY <- Tedat[,ncol(Tedat)]
Treig <- eigen(crossprod(X))$values
if(any(abs(Treig) < conv))stop("In M1 the design matrix (X) is
singular for simulation ",paste(nsam))
Comp <- c("nCol(X)"= ncol(X),"nCol(Z)"= ncol(Z),"Is
length(Y)=nrow(X)"= length(Y)==nrow(X),
"Is length(Y)=nrow(Z)"= length(Y)==nrow(Z))
M1list$vectx <- vectx
M1list$vectz <- vectz
M1list$X <- X
M1list$Z <- Z
M1list$Y <- Y
M1list$TesX <- TesX
M1list$TesZ <- TesZ
M1list$TesY <- TesY
M1list$Comp <- Comp
get.m <- function(dat,asim,ModelFun,M,conv){
Sim <- list()
modInd <- ModelFun(Trdat=dat,Tedat=dat,mdat=dat,nsam=-1,conv=conv) #
HERE WHERE I NEED HELP i only need to import vectx and vectz that is
why I set Trdat=Tedat=dat
vecx <- modInd$vectx
vecz <- modInd$vectz
px <- length(vecx)
pz <- length(vecz)
pk <- length(modInd$Comp)
nam <-colnames(dat[,vecx])
Asse <- matrix(NA,nrow=asim,ncol=px)
Check <- matrix(NA,nrow=pk,ncol=asim)
colnames(Check) <- paste("CheckIter",1:asim,sep="")
else {
vecx <- modInd$vectx
vecz <- modInd$vectz
px <- length(vecx)
pz <- length(vecz)
pk <- length(modInd$Comp)
nam <-colnames(dat[,vecx])
Asse <- matrix(NA,nrow=asim,ncol=px)
Check <- matrix(NA,nrow=pk,ncol=asim)
colnames(Check) <- paste("CheckIter",1:asim,sep="")
for(k in 1:asim){
cat("Iter #",paste(k),"\n")
# Start Sampling code
# Sample the Index for Train Set
SamDat <- dat[Indx,]
# Split Data
TrainInd <- sample(1:nrow(SamDat), trunc(2*length(1:nrow(SamDat))/3))
# Sample 2/3 of the data
TrSet <- SamDat[TrainInd,] # Train data
######## Hold 1/3 of the data
TeSet <- SamDat[-TrainInd,] # hold 1/3 of the data
Trind <- ceiling((2*length(Indx))/3)
Model <- ModelFun(Trdat=TrSet,Tedat=TeSet,mdat=dat,nsam=k,conv=conv)
Y <- Model$Y
X <- Model$X
Z <- Model$Z
TesX <- Model$TesX
TesZ <- Model$TesZ
TesY <- Model$TesY
xnam <-colnames(X)
znam <-colnames(Z)
pc <- ncol(X)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("Y ~",paste(xnam, collapse= "+"),"-1",sep=""))
fitlm <- lm(formula=fmla,data = data.frame(cbind(X,Y)))
ResiSqr <- (residuals(fitlm))*(residuals(fitlm))
Check[,k] <- Model$Comp
Asse[k,1:pc] <- coef(fitlm)
Sim$Check <- Check
Sim$Asse <- Asse
Your code is quite messy and difficult to follow: I'd write it as follows:
# Initialize some data
Dat <- cbind(
a0 = rep(1, 40),
a = rep(0:1, 20),
b = rep(c(1,0), each = 20),
Y = rnorm(40,2,30))
M1 <- function(Trdat,Tedat,mdat,nsam,conv){
vectx <- c(1,4,6,7,9)
vectz <- c(2,3,7,1,4,9)
X <- Trdat[,vectx]
Z <- Trdat[,vectz]
Y <- Trdat[,ncol(Trdat)]
TesX <- Tedat[,vectx]
TesZ <- Tedat[,vectz]
TesY <- Tedat[,ncol(Tedat)]
Treig <- eigen(crossprod(X))$values
if(any(abs(Treig) < conv))
stop("In M1 the design matrix (X) is singular for simulation ", nsam)
Comp <- c(`nCol(X)`= ncol(X),`nCol(Z)`= ncol(Z),
`Is length(Y)=nrow(X)` = length(Y)==nrow(X),
`Is length(Y)=nrow(Z)` = length(Y)==nrow(Z))
list(vectx = vectx,
vectz = vectz,
X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,
TesX = TesX, TesZ = TesZ,
TesY = TesY, Comp = Comp)
with similar modifications throughout the rest of your code. Hopefully
you find that easier to read: I certainly do.
Now, it's still not entirely clear to me what you're asking: but
perhaps global assignment and/or lexical scoping does what you want?
Consider these tricks:
add_magic_Z <- function(z){
Z <- z
function(x) x + z
add_2 <- function(2)
add_2(5) # 7
add_3 <- function(3)
add_3(0) # 3
f <- function(x) {
X <<- X + x
X <- -3
print(X) # increased by the `<<-` inside of f()
The latter is considered bad programming practice however.
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