[R] How to remove an object that is loaded every time R is opened?
Chris Campbell
ccampbell at mango-solutions.com
Wed Feb 29 17:48:42 CET 2012
Hi Jason
If you close an R session and save without choosing a filename, a file called .RData will be created. Open a new session and type getwd(). Then have a look in the named file with your folder options set to Show Hidden Files. Deleting or renaming this file should remove the imported object.
Hope this helps
Chris Campbell
Data Analysis that Delivers
+44 1249 705450
-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Jason Love
Sent: 29 February 2012 15:10
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] How to remove an object that is loaded every time R is opened?
Dear R users,
I'm a newbie and have another basic question that you guys can answer for me.
So, I've been noticing that an object (data frame) called "FossilFuel" is loaded as default when I first open up the R (see below).
I created this data frame a while ago which is a data set for tutorial and I don't need this any more.
I'm not sure why this happens and wonder if there is any way to remove this object.
Let me know.
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[R.app GUI 1.43 (5989) x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0]
[Workspace restored from /R/.RData]
[History restored from /R/.Rapp.history]
> ls()
[1] "fossilfuel"
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