[R] FW: Problems with R

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Mon Feb 20 17:19:05 CET 2012

On Feb 20, 2012, at 10:26 AM, Thorsten Pöllinger wrote:

> Dears,
> I am a new R user and I am trying to analyze my data sets, R gives  
> me a default when I type in the regression formula as following:
> fit1=gamlss(tot_remun_revenue$tot_remun.y~tot_remun_revenue 
> $revenue.x,family=NO)

Most regression functions work best with a data argument and then a  
formula that uses just column names.

> Fehler in model.frame.default(formula = tot_remun_revenue 
> $tot_remun.y ~  :
>  ungültiger Typ (NULL) für die Variable 'tot_remun_revenue 
> $tot_remun.y' Is there anything wrong in my data set, as the  
> instruction is directly copied from lectures I had about R? Attached  
> please find the data set as .csv. Best regards and thanks in  
> advance! Thorsten Poellinger 	

You mailer probably did not properly indicate that the .csv file was  
an acceptable file type. You may want to send a followup after  
renaming the file to <somthing>.txt before attaching,... and you  
should include the data input commands you used.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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