[R] Link to a Network computer

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 01:42:17 CET 2012

On 12-02-15 5:26 PM, wpcmba wrote:
> Issue: Connecting to a computer in a network.
> I would like to connect to a file on a computer on my internal network that
> has a different password. I have tried download.file and read.csv to no
> avail.
> When use this link in explorer it will prompt me for a username/password:
> file://hs9999-907/D$/protein%20Maintenance%20Logs/123.txt
> Then it lets me through. I cannot get any R traction on where I might be
> going wrong or a command that might work.

You could try using the "Internet2" setting, which routes web requests 
through Internet Explorer libraries.  See ?setInternet2.

Duncan Murdoch

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