[R] Spline Question

Rolf Turner rolf.turner at xtra.co.nz
Wed Feb 15 06:26:14 CET 2012


Why do you say the OP wants a 503rd or 504th degree polynomial?
He/she wants an interpolating spline.

But that is precisely what "spline()" or "splinefun()" would give him/her.

So I don't understand the problem either!!!

To the OP:

     What did you actually *do* to create your spline?
     Did you use spline() or splinefun()?  And if not, why not?

     Do read the posting guide!



On 15/02/12 15:37, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2012, at 4:14 PM, Hasan Diwan wrote:
>>> dput(sensor.sample)
>> structure(c(1328565718.65, 1328566608.9, 1328566162.65, 1328566571.1,
> snipped 5 pages of data....
>> 0.909395426580465, 0.806793813827552, 0.474927337412093, 
>> -0.0383057034947468,
>> -0.454526719533217, -0.187379201707524, 0.249983084438962, 
>> 0.632832546743065,
>> -0.986399675507447, -0.970631383787144), .Dim = c(504L, 2L), 
>> .Dimnames = list(
>>     NULL, c("sensors.sample", "")))
>> What I'd like to do is get a spline through all the points.
> On the face of it that seems to be an extraordinary request. So (not 
> for the first time)  I must not be understanding something. Are you 
> really asking for assistance in constructing a 503rd or 504th  degree 
> polynomial? And if you are, then why pose the question on a 
> statistics-oriented mailing list. We only deal in approximations to 
> the Truth.
>> I'm
>> thinking the spline function is my best approach. But a plot of the
>> spline and the points shows it does not cross every one perfectly. Do
>> I need to specify a particular method for this, or am I using the
>> wrong approach? Thanks in advance! -- H
>> -- 
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> Envoyait de mon portable

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