[R] configure lyx2.0.2 with sweave in windows 32 bit.

Yihui Xie xie at yihui.name
Tue Feb 14 18:31:11 CET 2012

The only (yes, only) documentation you should look at now is the
official manual of Sweave in LyX, which you can find under the
examples directory of your LyX installation for LyX 2.0.2; it will
appear under the Help menu after LyX 2.0.3 (not released yet, but will
be soon). If you are still unable to find it, please go to:
https://github.com/downloads/yihui/lyx/sweave.pdf It is a compiled
version of the manual.

All other instructions, IMHO, are both hackish and outdated. We have
been working hard on the Sweave module since LyX 2.0 so that you
basically only need one step to use Sweave in LyX (configure PATH).
BTW, lyx-users at lists.lyx.org may be a better mailing list to go.

Yihui Xie <xieyihui at gmail.com>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web: http://yihui.name
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:03 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2012, at 9:44 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 14/02/2012 7:41 AM, ATANU wrote:
>>> I am using R 2.14.1. I am trying to configure Lyx with Sweave. I have
>>> read
>>> articles but I found none to be complete  and I cannot import sweave
>>> document in lyx . Can anyone please help me with a stepwise procedure how
>>> to
>>> configure Lyx with Sweave so that I can run my R-code chunks from LYX
>>> ,the
>>> output being a pdf.?
>> I've never used Lyx, but I've written instructions for several different
>> editors (Winedt, TeXWorks, TeXShop) and you might find
>> those helpful if you need to do it yourself.  See
>> http://www.umanitoba.ca/statistics/seminars/2011/3/4/duncan-murdoch-using-sweave-R/
> Thank you for that Duncan;
> I thought the question was overly broad and not containing needed
> information, but it is having welcome side-effects. Your tutorial on TexShop
> integration with Sweave looks very promising. I'm a LaTeX noob, but on my
> Mac it seems to be the most "welcoming" of the many LaTeX editors available.
> --
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT
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