[R] Cannot get "==" operator to return TRUE
Sarah Goslee
sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 16:57:02 CET 2012
Is that exactly what you're doing, in a clean session?
x <- rdata[27, 4]
> x == "n/a "
[1] TRUE
> x == "n/a"
Because as long as the space is included, the test should be TRUE.
(I renamed the dput object rdata, because df() is a base function.)
df[df == "n/a"] <- NA
shouldn't work on Mac, or any other system, because no elements of
your data frame are "n/a", but are instead "n/a "
If it were my data, I'd get rid of the spaces at the end of the values before
trying to do anything, either before reading it into R, or with gsub() after.
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 10:25 AM, G See <gsee000 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a data.frame named "df". The dput of df is at the bottom of this e-mail.
> What I'd like to do is replace the "n/a " values with NA. On Mac OSX, it works
> to do this:
> df[df == "n/a"] <- NA
> However, it does not work on Ubuntu. See below.
> Thanks in advance,
> Garrett
>> x <- df[27, 4] # complete data.frame dput is below
>> dput(x)
> "n/a "
>> x == "n/a "
> [1] FALSE
>> x == "n/a"
> [1] FALSE
>> str(x)
> chr "n/a "
>> is.na(x)
> [1] FALSE
>> grep("n/a ", x)
> integer(0)
>> grep("n/a", x)
> [1] 1
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> locale:
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
> other attached packages:
> [1] XML_3.4-3 qmao_1.1.10
> [3] FinancialInstrument_0.10.9 quantmod_0.3-17
> [5] TTR_0.21-0 Defaults_1.1-1
> [7] xts_0.8-3 zoo_1.7-6
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] grid_2.14.1 lattice_0.20-0 tools_2.14.1
> ### More detail ###
> ## Here is the complete data.frame
>> dput(df)
> structure(list(SYMBOL = c("GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ",
> "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ",
> "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ",
> "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ",
> "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG ", "GOOG "), PERIOD = c("Q4 2011",
> "Q3 2011", "Q2 2011", "Q1 2011", "Q4 2010", "Q3 2010", "Q2 2010",
> "Q1 2010", "Q4 2009", "Q3 2009", "Q2 2009", "Q1 2009", "Q4 2008",
> "Q3 2008", "Q2 2008", "Q1 2008", "Q4 2007", "Q3 2007", "Q2 2007",
> "Q1 2007", "Q4 2006", "Q3 2006", "Q2 2006", "Q1 2006", "Q4 2005",
> "Q3 2005", "Q2 2005", "Q1 2005", "Q4 2004", "Q3 2004"),
> `EVENT TITLE` = c("Q4 2011 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2011
> Google Inc Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2011 Google Inc Earnings Release", "Q1 2011 Google Inc
> Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2010 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2010 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2010 Google Earnings Release", "Q1 2010 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2009 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2009 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2009 Google Earnings Release", "Q1 2009 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2008 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2008 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2008 Google Earnings Release", "Q1 2008 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2007 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2007 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2007 Google Earnings Release", "Q1 2007 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2006 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2006 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2006 Google Earnings Release", "Q1 2006 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2005 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2005 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q2 2005 Google Earnings Release", "Q1 2005 Google Earnings Release",
> "Q4 2004 Google Earnings Release", "Q3 2004 Google Earnings Release"
> ), `EPS ESTIMATE` = c("$ 10.49 ", "$ 8.74 ", "$ 7.85 ",
> "$ 8.10 ", "$ 8.09 ", "$ 6.68 ", "$ 6.52 ", "$ 6.60 ",
> "$ 6.50 ", "$ 5.42 ", "$ 5.09 ", "$ 4.93 ", "$ 4.95 ",
> "$ 4.76 ", "$ 4.74 ", "$ 4.52 ", "$ 4.44 ", "$ 3.78 ",
> "$ 3.59 ", "$ 3.30 ", "$ 2.92 ", "$ 2.42 ", "$ 2.22 ",
> "$ 1.97 ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ",
> "n/a "), `EPS ACTUAL` = c("$ 9.50 ", "$ 9.72 ", "$ 8.74 ",
> "$ 8.08 ", "$ 8.75 ", "$ 7.64 ", "$ 6.45 ", "$ 6.76 ",
> "$ 6.79 ", "$ 5.89 ", "$ 5.36 ", "$ 5.16 ", "$ 5.10 ",
> "$ 4.92 ", "$ 4.63 ", "$ 4.84 ", "$ 4.43 ", "$ 3.91 ",
> "$ 3.56 ", "$ 3.68 ", "$ 3.18 ", "$ 2.62 ", "$ 2.49 ",
> "$ 2.29 ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ",
> "n/a "), `PREV. YEAR ACTUAL` = c("$ 8.75 ", "$ 7.64 ",
> "$ 6.45 ", "$ 6.76 ", "$ 6.79 ", "$ 5.89 ", "$ 5.36 ",
> "$ 5.16 ", "$ 5.10 ", "$ 4.92 ", "$ 4.63 ", "$ 4.84 ",
> "$ 4.43 ", "$ 3.91 ", "$ 3.56 ", "$ 3.68 ", "$ 3.18 ",
> "$ 2.62 ", "$ 2.49 ", "$ 2.29 ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ",
> "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a ", "n/a "
> ), TIME = c("2012-01-19 15:15:00 CST", "2011-10-13 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2011-07-14 15:15:00 CDT", "2011-04-14 15:15:00 CDT", "2011-01-20
> 15:15:00 CST",
> "2010-10-14 15:15:00 CDT", "2010-07-15 15:15:00 CDT", "2010-04-15
> 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2010-01-21 15:15:00 CST", "2009-10-15 15:15:00 CDT", "2009-07-16
> 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2009-04-16 15:15:00 CDT", "2009-01-22 15:15:00 CST", "2008-10-16
> 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2008-07-17 15:15:00 CDT", "2008-04-17 15:15:00 CDT", "2008-01-31
> 15:15:00 CST",
> "2007-10-18 15:15:00 CDT", "2007-07-19 15:15:00 CDT", "2007-04-19
> 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2007-01-31 15:15:00 CST", "2006-10-19 15:15:00 CDT", "2006-07-20
> 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2006-04-20 15:15:00 CDT", "2006-01-31 15:15:00 CST", "2005-10-20
> 15:15:00 CDT",
> "2005-07-21 15:15:00 CDT", "2005-04-21 15:15:00 CDT", "2005-02-01
> 15:15:00 CST",
> "2004-10-21 15:15:00 CDT")), .Names = c("SYMBOL", "PERIOD",
> "TIME"), row.names = 2:31, na.action = structure(31L, .Names = "32",
> class = "omit"), class = "data.frame")
Sarah Goslee
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