[R] Assigning objects to variable and variable to list in a for loop

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Fri Feb 3 11:07:35 CET 2012


I want to use a for loop for repeadely calculating
a maxent model (package dismo, function maxent()) which
creates an object of the class maxent (S4).
I want to collect all the resulting object in a list.

I tried to simplify my for loop to explain what I want.
There are two problems/questions:
1) How can I create the new variables in the loop (using paste) and assign the objects
2) How can I collect the results (objects) in a list

X <- factor(c("A","B","C"))

for(in in X){
	as.name(paste("result","X",sep="_")) <- runif(5) #any object
	# create list of objects with names

I read something about assign(), but that assigns a value and not an object to a variable. Some time ago I did something similar but with a matrix: Thus I created an empty matrix before the loop and indexed the matrix inside the loop to assign values. But here it is about assigning ojects to variables and coercing these to a list.

Any suggestions are mostly welcomme.

Thank you,

best regards,
Johannes Radinger

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