[R] Merge more than 2 dataframe
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Mon Dec 17 22:06:30 CET 2012
On Dec 17, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Vasilchenko Aleksander wrote:
> Hello.
> I have for example 4 or more dataframe which like such this example:
> date value
> 2006-11 0.4577647
> 2006-12 NaN
> 2006-10 0.1577647
> 2006-11 0.3577647
> 2006-12 NaN
> 2007-01 NaN
> 2007-02 NaN
> 2007-03 0.2956429
> 2007-01 0.3677647
> 2007-02 NaN
> They have the same length. I need merge by date undefined number of
> dataframes. End result output will look like such example
> date name1 name2 name3 name4 ....
> 2006-11 0.4577647 0.4577647 0.4577647 NaN
> 2006-12 NaN NaN 0.4577647 0.4577647
> 2006-10 0.1577647 0.1577647 0.4577647 NaN
> 2006-11 0.3577647 0.8577647 0.4577647 0.4577647
> 2006-12 NaN 0.1577647 0.4577647 0.4577647
> 2007-01 NaN 0.2277647 NaN 0.1777647
> 2007-02 NaN 0.4577647 0.4577647 0.4477647
> 2007-03 0.2956429 NaN 0.4577647 0.1577647
> 2007-01 0.3677647 0.4577647 NaN7 0.4577647
> 2007-02 NaN 0.6577647 0.4577647 0.4577647
If they all have the same number of rows and date values then it's just as easy to use cbind:
do.call(cbind, dat1, dat2[-1], dat3[-1], dat4[-1] )
David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA
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