[R] Rprof causing R to crash
Prof Brian Ripley
ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Fri Dec 14 19:22:21 CET 2012
On 14/12/2012 13:22, Jon Olav Skoien wrote:
> Uwe,
> I am unfortunately not able to upgrade to R 2.15.2 right now, but I have
Why not? Note that is part of the R-help contract: we only offer any
support for the current version of R (see the posting guide).
The posting guide also asked for 'at a minimum' information: we do not
know (amongst other things) if this is 32- or 64-bit R. (Your example
works for me in both.)
> seen a similar problem with several older R versions. If you want to
> test with a shorter script, you can try the lines below. These provoke a
> crash from a fresh R session on my machine (R 2.15.1 Windows 7):
> Rprof()
> z = 1
> for (i in 1:1e8) z = z+1/i
> This runs without problems without the call to Rprof(). I was far from
> using all my memory with this call, but you could also check with a
> higher number of loops in case you can run these lines and it is somehow
> memory related. Just for comparison, I tried 1e9 loops after a call to
> Rprof() on one of our Linux servers (R 2.14.0) without any problems.
Which is irrelevant: a different version of R and a completely different
implementation of Rprof.
> Jon
> On 12-Dec-12 17:06, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>> On 12.12.2012 00:05, Marian Talbert wrote:
>>> I'm trying to use Rprof() to identify bottlenecks and speed up a
>>> particullary
>>> slow section of code which reads in a portion of a tif file and compares
>>> each of the values to values of predictors used for model fitting. I've
>>> written up an example that anyone can run. Generally temp would be a
>>> section of a tif read into a data.frame and used later for other
>>> processing.
>>> The first portion which just records the time works in about 6
>>> seconds the
>>> second part causes RGui to immediately close with no error or
>>> warning. Any
>>> advice on how to get Rprof to work or how to speed up this code would be
>>> greatly appreciated. I'm using Windows 7 (which might be my problem)
>>> and R
>>> version 2.15.0.
>> The problem is rather the R version: I cannot reproduce errors with a
>> recent R.
>> Uwe Ligges
>>> CalcMESS<-function(tiff.entry,pred.vect){
>>> f<-sum(pred.vect<tiff.entry)/length(pred.vect)*100
>>> if(is.na(f)) return(NA)
>>> if(f==0)
>>> return((tiff.entry-min(pred.vect))/(max(pred.vect)-min(pred.vect))*100)
>>> if(0<f & f<=50) return(2*f)
>>> if(50<=f & f<100) return(2*(100-f))
>>> if(f==100)
>>> return((max(pred.vect)-tiff.entry)/(max(pred.vect)-min(pred.vect))*100)
>>> else return(NA)
>>> }
>>> train.dat <-
>>> data.frame(a=runif(200),b=runif(200),c=runif(200),d=runif(200))
>>> temp <-
>>> data.frame(a=runif(130000),b=runif(130000),c=runif(130000),d=runif(130000))
>>> pred.rng<-temp
>>> vnames.final.mod <- names(train.dat)
>>> nvars.final <- length(vnames.final.mod)
>>> start.time<-Sys.time()
>>> for(k in 1:nvars.final){
>>> pred.range<-train.dat[,match(vnames.final.mod[k],names(train.dat))]
>>> pred.rng[,k]<-mapply(CalcMESS,tiff.entry=temp[,match(vnames.final.mod[k],names(temp))],MoreArgs=list(pred.vect=pred.range))
>>> }
>>> Sys.time()-start.time
>>> Rprof("C:\\temp\\mapply.out")
>>> for(k in 1:nvars.final){
>>> pred.range<-train.dat[,match(vnames.final.mod[k],names(train.dat))]
>>> pred.rng[,k]<-mapply(CalcMESS,tiff.entry=temp[,match(vnames.final.mod[k],names(temp))],MoreArgs=list(pred.vect=pred.range))
>>> }
>>> Rprof(NULL)
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Rprof-causing-R-to-crash-tp4652846.html
>>> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
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