[R] Negative Binomial GAMM - theta values and convergence

Simon Wood s.wood at bath.ac.uk
Fri Dec 7 17:40:58 CET 2012

Hi Raeanne,

gamm fits using PQL, which doesn't always converge, however looking at 
your data, a couple of things stand out...

1. Trying a Tweedie seemed to give nicer residual plots than the 
negative binomial, and also converges with gamm. e.g.

   s(Depth_m, by=StnF, bs="cs")+StageF*RegionF+s(StnF,bs="re"),



... I just searched over p=1.2-1.6 in steps of .1 to find the optimum 
value for the Tweedie p parameter according to the ML score. see ?Tweedie

2. If you only need a random effect for StnF, and don't have to have the 
spatial autocorrelation structure then you can add the random effect in 
gam, as above - this will be much more efficient than using gamm 
(doesn't use PQL). See ?random.effects.


On 07/12/12 12:00, Raeanne Miller wrote:
> Hi there,
> My question is about the 'theta' parameter in specification of a NB GAMM.
> I have fit a GAM with an optimum structure of:
> SB.gam4<-gam(count~offset(vol_offset)+
>    s(Depth_m, by=StnF, bs="cs")+StageF*RegionF,
>               family=negbin(1, link=log),
>               data=Zoop_2011[Zoop_2011$SpeciesF=='SB',])
> However, this GAM shows heterogeneity in the residuals, and the model fit is not great. I would like to add a random effect to this GAM, for station (StnF), and a spatial correlation structure, for Depth_m. When trying to fit an equivalent GAMM to start with, I used the formula:
>   SB.gamm1<-gamm(count~offset(vol_offset)+
>          s(Depth_m,by=StnF,bs="cs")+StageF*RegionF,
>                 family=negative.binomial(theta=1.41), niterPQL=50,
>                 data=Zoop_2011[Zoop_2011$SpeciesF=='SB',])
> The theta=1.41 came from SB.gam4, using the theta.ml() command. However, this model does not converge, even with 5000 iterations. When I increase theta to 6, the model converges, but I'm not sure why. I have also tried theta=c(1,10), which converges, but gives me lots of warnings:
> Warning messages:
> 1: In y + .Theta :
>    longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
>   Can anyone tell me why this might be?
> The model also does not ever converge if I replace family=negative.binomial()  with family=negbin(). I've looked at the help files for GAM and GAMM, and I'm not sure what the difference between these is?
> I have attached code to create my dataset, for those interested.
> With many thanks,
> Raeanne
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Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK
+44 (0)1225 386603               http://people.bath.ac.uk/sw283

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