[R] data manipulation between vector and matrix

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 19:42:01 CET 2012


On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 1:30 PM, C W <tmrsg11 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I was curious how to subtract a vector from matrix?
> Say, I have
> mat <- matrix(1:40, nrow=20, ncol=2)
> x <-c(1,2)

Thanks for the actual reproducible example.

> I want,
> x-mat[1,] and x-mat[2,], and so on... Basically, subtract column elements
> of x against column elements in mat.
> But x-mat won't do it.

This will (note the modification to get x - mat):
> sweep(-mat, 2, x, "+")
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]    0  -19
 [2,]   -1  -20
 [3,]   -2  -21
 [4,]   -3  -22
 [5,]   -4  -23

Sarah Goslee

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