[R] Using multcomp::glht() with Anova object

Stephen Politzer-Ahles politzerahless at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 18:55:27 CET 2012

Thank you John, I'll take a look at that!

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:39 AM, John Fox <jfox at mcmaster.ca> wrote:
> Dear Steve,
> Usually the best place to look for information about functions in the car package, along with the help files for the package, is the book with which the package is associated. In this case, there's an on-line appendix to the book on multivariate linear models which describes how to use the linearHypothesis() function in the car package with repeated measures: sec. 3.2 of <http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/appendix/Appendix-Multivariate-Linear-Models.pdf>. I think that this should help you do what you want.
> I hope this helps,
>  John
> ------------------------------------------------
> John Fox
> Sen. William McMaster Prof. of Social Statistics
> Department of Sociology
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/

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