[R] How to read SPSS file in R

S Ellison S.Ellison at LGCGroup.com
Mon Dec 3 20:47:33 CET 2012

> I tried the following: 
>> library(foreign)
>> Corp<-read.spss("/Users/kama/Analysis/Corporation.sav", header=TRUE,
>> sep=",")
> Error in read.spss("/Users/kama/Analysis/Corporation.sav", header = TRUE,  : 
> unused argument(s) (header = TRUE, sep = ",")
>> Corp<-read.spss("/Users/kama/Analysis/Corporation.sav")
> re-encoding from UTF-8
> Any suggestions please?

At the risk of being glib, Yes. 
i) Read the error message.
ii) Read the help file for ?read.css 

Then think about why supplying two unnecessary arguments might cause an error message that says "unused arguments..." and what the help file tells you about UTF-8 encoding. 

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