[R] CTM and survival analysis with heterogeneity

Sebastián Daza sebastian.daza at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 22:52:00 CET 2012

Hello R experts,

I wonder if there is any package to estimate  this kind of models in R:

Multi-state Multi-spell Survival Models with Heterogeneity

One of the most powerful programs for survival models is CTM, the
Continuous Time Model, developed for NIH at NORC under the direction
of James J. Heckman. Generalizing the competing risks model, CTM
allows for transitions between any number of states, repeated spells
within a state, time varying covariates, person and state specific
heterogeneity, and arbitrary duration dependence specified in a highly
flexible hazard model. Although in all cases the baseline hazard is
fully parametric, it can be specified as a sufficiently rich function
of time to capture a very wide set of duration dependencies.

Any references?

Sebastián Daza

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