[R] problem with switch function across R versions 2.10 and 2.13

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 22:19:23 CEST 2011

On 11-09-27 4:03 PM, jose romero wrote:
> Hello,
> The following piece of code works fine in R.2.10 (ubuntu):
> switch(distr,
>          normal    = {if (is.infinite(param["desv"]))
>                       n<- c(n,"La desv. estándar no puede ser Inf.")
>                     if (param["desv"]<0)
>                       n<- c(n,"La desv. estándar no puede ser<0.")
>                     },
>          expo    = {if (param["tasa"]<=0)
>                       n<- c(n,"La tasa debe ser>0.") },
>          gamma   = {if (param["s"]<=0)
>                       n<- c(n,"El parametro s debe ser>0.")
>                     if (param["a"]<=0)
>                       n<- c(n,"El parámetro a debe ser>0.") },
>          unifc   = {if (param["min"]>param["max"])
>                       n<- c(n,"Min. no puede ser mayor que Max.")},
>          binom   = {if (param["p"]<0|param["p"]>1)
>                       n<- c(n,"p debe estar entre 0 y 1")
>                       if (param["n"]<0|!all.equal(param["n"],
>                          trunc(param["n"])))
>                          n<- c(n,"Valor de n no entero o negativo.")
>                       if (param["n"]<max(x))
>                          n<- c(n,paste("El valor máximo de",nombre,
>                               "no puede exceder el valor máximo de n."))
>                     },
>          geom    = {if (param["p"]<0|param["p"]>1)
>                        n<- c(n,"p debe estar entre 0 y 1") },
>          pois    = {if (param["tasa"]<0)
>                        n<- c(n,"tasa no puede ser negativa")},
>          unifd   = {if (param["min"]>param["max"])
>                        n<- c(n,"minimo no puede ser mayor que maximo") },                  ,

You have an extra comma beyond the end of this line.

Duncan Murdoch

>          stop(paste("Distribución",distr,"no reconocida.")) )
> However, using R2.13 (under Windows), I get the following error:
> Error en .local(x, distr, ...) :
>    duplicado de interuptores por defecto: '' y 'stop(paste...'
> The 2.13 help on the function says the following:
> In the case of no match, if there is a unnamed element of ... its value is returned.  (If there is more than one such argument
> an error is returned.  Before R 2.13.0 the first one would have
> been used.)
> So it appears to be an issue of the pre or post 2.13 version being used.  However, i don't see how the above code has more than one unamed element and thus how this error is produced.  Can anyone enlighten me on this error?
> Thanks in advance,
> josé loreto romero palma
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