[R] tip: large plots

Carl Witthoft carl at witthoft.com
Sun Nov 20 00:17:51 CET 2011

Another few data points, just for the heck of it.  This is on a 2.66GHz 
Intel Core Duo iMac.

Rgames> system.time(plot(runif(1e6),runif(1e6)))
    user  system elapsed
  34.405   0.079  34.432
Rgames> system.time(plot(runif(1e6),runif(1e6),pch='.'))
    user  system elapsed
  12.602   0.032  12.596

Rgames> system.time(print(xyplot(runif(1e6)~runif(1e6))))
    user  system elapsed
  36.651   0.837  37.371

Rgames> system.time(print(xyplot(runif(1e6)~runif(1e6),pch='.')))
    user  system elapsed
  16.866   0.777  17.578

Rgames> system.time(scatterplot3d(runif(1e6),runif(1e6),rep(1,1e6)))
    user  system elapsed
  36.081   0.959  36.932
    user  system elapsed
  18.834   0.864  19.629

Sent from my Cray XK6
"Pendeo-navem mei anguillae plena est."

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