[R] writing dates to a file

Heiman, Thomas J. theiman at mitre.org
Tue May 24 20:34:04 CEST 2011


I have attached the data files to this note.   I use this code:

z1 <- read.zoo("baltimorefludata.txt", format = "%m/%d/%Y", header = TRUE)
z2 <- read.zoo("baltimorew.txt", format = "%Y%m%d", header = TRUE)


write.table(z3, "fluweatherdata_baltimore2.txt", sep="\t")

R is writing the other data to the file but not the dates...  Is there a way to also write the dates to the file?  Thank you!!



Thomas Heiman, PhD
Info Systems Eng, Sr
The MITRE Corporation | Center for Enterprise Modernization
Office: 703-983-2951 | theiman at mitre.org<mailto:theiman at mitre.org>
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