[R] Linear regression - several response variables vs few ind variables

Rafael Xavier de Camargo rcama081 at uottawa.ca
Mon May 23 18:04:39 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I need to run several simple linear regressions at once, using the
following data. Response variables: Bird species (sp 1, sp2, sp3...spn).
Independent variable: Natprop - proportion of natural area. covarate:
Effort = hours). One single linear regression would be: lmSp1 <- lm(sp1~
natprop + effort). However, I need to run this linear regression for all
bird species that I have individually (n = 163). I would like to do it at
once and store the coefficients in a single data frame. Is that possible?

Table that I have:
Square  Sp1  Sp2  Sp3 Sp4  Spn  Natprop Effort

1        1    0    1   1    0     0.5     10
2        1    0    1   1    0     0.6     20
3        1    1    0   1    0     0.8     23
4        1    0    1   0    0     0.8     50
n        0    1    0   1    1     0.9     30

Thanks in advance.


Postgraduate Student
Biology Department of University of Ottawa
30 Marie Curie, room # 351
Ottawa, ON, CANADA
Tel: +1 (613) 562-5800 ext. 6366
Cel: +1 (613) 869-3772
e-mail: rcama081 at uottawa.ca
        rafael.x.camargo at gmail.com

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