[R] Analysing insecticide biossays using lmer

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 20:48:40 CEST 2011

pierricklabbe <pierrick.labbe <at> univ-montp2.fr> writes:

> Hi all,
> Here is my problem: I performed bioassays using a unique insecticide on 9
> different genotypes and got their mortality depending on the dose of
> insecticide used.
> Now, I want to see wether some genotypes are different or not in their
> responses to insecticide.
> My problem is that I have up to four replicates for some genotypes, but only
> one for other... Due to this unbalanced design, I thought of using lmer
> procedure (lme4).

  There are a few issues here.

(1) please send follow-ups to r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org
(2) quasi- families are not available in recent versions of lme4:
you must have a pretty old version.  The current advice is to use
an observation-level random effect to capture overdispersion in GLMMs.
(3) the variables used in defining groups (i.e. the ones found to the
right of the | in the random-effects part of the formula) must be
factors.  If you want a random effect of the continuous dose variable
you need to put it on the *left* of the bar (this is the proximate cause
of your error message).  You could alternatively make logdose into
a factor, but with 18 unique values I don't think that's a good idea.

dataf <- read.table("insect.dat",header=TRUE)

dataf$obs <- seq(nrow(dataf))

model1 <- lmer(cbind(mort,tot-mort)~logdose*geno-1+(logdose|geno)+(1|obs),

model0 <- update(model1,.~.-(1|obs))


By the way, you should always look at your data ...


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