[R] coordinates from locator function in POSIXct format

cristabel.duran at waldbau.uni-freiburg.de cristabel.duran at waldbau.uni-freiburg.de
Fri Jul 29 15:40:41 CEST 2011

Dear R-list,

I have a plot with y-axis corresponding to wind measurments
and x-axis with date-time information.
When I want to identify some extrem wind events in the
wind-curve, I use locator() to get the exact
date-information, by clicking in the points in graph I´m
interested in.
I get in the R console the x and y coordinates.
The x coordinates are not in a POSIXct format, I guess R is
returning the x coordinates in a time unit as miliseconds
or something else.

Do anyone how to get the x coordinates directly in a
POSIXct format?

Thanks in advance!

Cristabel Durán Rangel. PhD Student.
Institute of Silviculture. Faculty of Forest and
Environmental Sciences. University of Freiburg.
Telf: +49 (761) 203 8604 (ofc) 

„Man lernt die Physiognomie einer Landschaft desto besser
kennen, je genauer man die einzelnen Züge auffaßt, sie
untereinander vergleicht und so auf dem Wege der Analysis
den Quellen der Genüsse nachgeht, die uns das große
Naturgemälde bietet.“
				Alexander von Humboldt, 1799

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