[R] ASCII values to Decimal

Bansal, Vikas vikas.bansal at kcl.ac.uk
Sat Jul 9 16:44:14 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I have a file that is summary.txt(I have attached it) .we can read
 this file using-

 dfa=read.table("summar.txt",fill=T,colClasses = "character",header=T)

 In V10 column I have  ASCII values which I want to convert into decimal
 numbers -

my  data frame(dfa) which is like-

     V7 V8  V9  V10
1    0  1   G    `
2    0  1   T    a
3    0  1   C    a
4    0  1   A    a
5    0  1   G    _
6    0  1   G    Z
7    0  1   C    ^
8    0  1   C   \\
9    0  1   A    Z
10   0  1   T    a
11   0  1   g    ^
12   0  1   A   \\
13   0  1   C    _
14   0  1   G    a
15   0  1   C    X
16   0  1   C    `
17   0  1   G    a
18   0  1   G    _

Column V10 contains ASCII values.I want to convert them into decimal.

Can you please help me.

Thanking you,
Warm Regards
Vikas Bansal
Msc Bioinformatics
Kings College London
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