[R] Odp: Letters(V1, V2..) as row col indices instead of numbers

KumaraGuru kumaragurutp at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 17:44:23 CET 2011

While listing it like that is it possible to remove the rows that has same row and col numbers?

1 1 x
2 2 x2


On Jan 28, 2011, at 9:23 AM, Petr PIKAL <petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:

> Hi
> KumaraGuru <kumaragurutp at gmail.com> napsal dne 28.01.2011 17:03:50:
>> I want to melt the cor matrix and form a 3 col matrix with row# col# and 
> cor. 
> Well, in that case it will be probably better to transform it to data 
> frame and use melt. Or you can drop dimensions of this matrix and generate 
> proper sequences of row and column numbers. Try it with smaller matrix.
> Row names does not matter
>> x<-matrix(1:12, 4,4)
>> row.names(x)<-letters[1:4]
>> colnames(x)<-letters[1:4]
>> x
>  a b  c d
> a 1 5  9 1
> b 2 6 10 2
> c 3 7 11 3
> d 4 8 12 4
>> dim(x)<-NULL
>> x
> [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12  1  2  3  4
>> cbind(rep(1:4, 4), rep(1:4, each=4), x)
>           x
> [1,] 1 1  1
> [2,] 2 1  2
> [3,] 3 1  3
> [4,] 4 1  4
> [5,] 1 2  5
> [6,] 2 2  6
> [7,] 3 2  7
> [8,] 4 2  8
> [9,] 1 3  9
> [10,] 2 3 10
> [11,] 3 3 11
> [12,] 4 3 12
> [13,] 1 4  1
> [14,] 2 4  2
> [15,] 3 4  3
> [16,] 4 4  4
> Regards
> Petr
>> This I m using to draw a graph. 
>> Regards,
>> Kumaraguru
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Petr PIKAL <petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 28.01.2011 09:52:05:
>>>> What makes matrix to print V1, V2 as the row and col indices instead 
> of
>>>> numbers??
>>>> cdata = read.table("ramesh.txt") #cdata is read from a file.
>>>> c1 = cor(cdata) 
>>>> I am printing c1 below. I need only numbers. I dont need V1, 
> V2...what
>>>> should I do in this case??
>>>> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n3243980/ramesh.txt ramesh.txt 
>>>>          V1        V2        V3        V4        V5        V6 V7
>>>> V1  1.0000000 0.9471591 0.9191233 0.9403129 0.9689690 0.9621362 
>>> 0.9529811
>>>> V2  0.9471591 1.0000000 0.8888108 0.9108174 0.9703906 0.9425248 
>>> 0.9294308
>>>> V3  0.9191233 0.8888108 1.0000000 0.8788107 0.9077245 0.9078971 
>>> 0.8965331
>>>> V4  0.9403129 0.9108174 0.8788107 1.0000000 0.9477058 0.9017977 
>>> 0.8646251
>>>> V5  0.9689690 0.9703906 0.9077245 0.9477058 1.0000000 0.9531459 
>>> 0.9162016
>>>> V6  0.9621362 0.9425248 0.9078971 0.9017977 0.9531459 1.0000000 
>>> 0.9447130
>>>> V7  0.9529811 0.9294308 0.8965331 0.8646251 0.9162016 0.9447130 
>>> 1.0000000
>>>> V8  0.9167526 0.9395067 0.8491496 0.8942693 0.9460702 0.9304229 
>>> 0.8505287
>>>> V9  0.9512951 0.9598302 0.8666839 0.9465725 0.9645178 0.9486105 
>>> 0.8979753
>>>> V10 0.9551633 0.9040160 0.9180022 0.9429816 0.9448644 0.9220875 
>>> 0.9075537
>>> Vn are names of columns which R gave to your matrix when you read it 
> as a 
>>> data frame. And cor just makes a matrix of pairwise corelation 
>>> coefficients from this data frame conveniently named from this data 
> frame. 
>>> If you do not want those names just unname it.
>>> c1 = unname(cor(cdata))
>>> But I wonder why you dislike those names which are,  well, just names.
>>> Regards
>>> Petr
>>>> -- 
>>>> View this message in context: 
>>> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Letters-V1-V2-as-
>>>> row-col-indices-instead-of-numbers-tp3243980p3243980.html
>>>> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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