[R] Giving vector of colors to line in plots

statmobile statmobile at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 07:15:42 CET 2011

Hey all,

I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm missing here.  I'm trying 
to change the color of the line in a time series type plot.  I can 
change the point colors and symbols no problem, but for some reason the 
colors do not get passed to the lines, regardless of if I do type="b" or 
type="l".  The sample code I'm using is below.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, please CC me, as I only get daily summaries of the mailing list.


## Changing plot attributes through the plot
x <- rpois(7,lambda=7)
y <- rpois(7,lambda=5)

cols.x <- c(rep("black",2),rep("red",3),rep("black",2))
cols.y <- c(rep("blue",3),rep("yellow",2),rep("blue",2))

points.x <- c(rep("x",2),rep("O",3),rep("x",2))
points.y <- c(rep(8,3),rep(17,2),rep(8,2))


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