[R] Setting up a State Space Model in dlm

Giovanni Petris gpetris at uark.edu
Fri Aug 26 15:40:04 CEST 2011

You need to add the following line, right after the "m <- NCOL(y)"

k <- m * (m+1) / 2

'k' is the number of independent parameters in an m-by-m covariance
matrix, and two such matrices are estimated (Ht and Qt, both time
invariant). Hence the unknown parameter theta has length 2k.

Hope this clarifies the issue.

Giovanni Petris

On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 19:30 -0700, quantguy wrote:
> I get the identical error even when applying the sample code from the dlm
> vignette on state space models: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v41/i04/paper
> The sample code is here:
> tmp <- ts(read.table("http://shazam.econ.ubc.ca/intro/P.txt", header=T),
> start=c(1978,1), frequency=12) * 100
> y <- tmp[,1:4] - tmp[,"RKFREE"]
> colnames(y) <- colnames(tmp)[1:4]
> market <- tmp[,"MARKET"] - tmp[,"RKFREE"]
> rm("tmp")
> m <- NCOL(y)
> Zt <- sapply(seq_along(market), function(i) market[i] %x% diag(m))
> dim(Zt) <- c(m, m, length(market))
> Rt <- diag(nr = m)
> logLik <- function(theta) {
>    a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m]), nr = m)
>    a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[(m + 1):k]
>    Ht <- crossprod(a)
>    a <- diag(exp(0.5 * theta[1:m + k]), nr = m)
>    a[upper.tri(a)] <- theta[-(1:(k + m))]
>    Qt <- crossprod(a)
>    lik <- kf(yt = t(y), Zt = Zt, Tt = diag(nr = m), Rt = Rt, Ht = Ht,
>    Qt = Qt, a1 = rep(0, m), P1 = matrix(0, m, m),
>    P1inf = diag(rep(1, m)), optcal = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
>    return(-lik$lik)
>   }
> fit <- optim(par = rep(0, 2 * k), fn = logLik, method = "BFGS", control =
> list(maxit = 500))
> fit$conv
> The parameter K is not defined. If I select an arbitrary value of K (looks
> like it is just a parameter to initialize optimization) I get a separate
> error.
> --
> View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Setting-up-a-State-Space-Model-in-dlm-tp3580664p3769863.html
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