[R] axis does not show up

Sumukh Sathnur sumukh.sathnur at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 02:09:03 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

Using the following script I generated a heatmap for my matrix with 
image.plot from the fields package:

as.matrix(read.table("Matrix.txt", sep="\t"))->x

#on left: labels are:
#on bottom, labels are:

#remove first row and column (they're labels)
#define breaks and colors
MyCol= gray((4:0)/4)

#My axes are 104 components long, which is why my axis font is this small
  image.plot(x, col=MyCol, breaks=HeatBrk, legend.shrink=0.3, axes = FALSE)

and this is where my problem is: Nothing I do will get axes in the 
proper places. I want to place Side on the left and Bot on the bottom of 
the plot. If I use the built in xlab= and ylab=, my axes are generated 
perpendicular to the corresponding axis, and if I use

axis(2,las=2, at = 1:nS, label = Side, tick = TRUE)
axis(1,las=2, at = 1:nS, label = Bot, tick = TRUE)

then I see two small marks show up near the appropriate axes but nothing 
else. I also tried par(mar=c(10,10,10,10)) to check if my margins were 
perhaps not large enough, but that didn't change anything. In fact, it 
appears that my axes are being generated from the end of the plot and 
continuing off the image (I checked with image() instead of image.plot() )

  Any suggestions for how I could fix this? These same axes work fine 
when generated on random test plots. I have attached the matrix and a 
pdf of my plot.

Thanks in advance,
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