[R] Hmisc::rcorr on a 'data.frame'?

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 20:40:53 CEST 2011

Dear all
?Hmisc::rcorr states that it takes as main argument "a numeric
matrix". But is it normal that it fails in such an ugly way on a data
frame? (See below.) If the function didn't attempt any conversion to a
matrix, I would have expected it to state that in the error message
that it didn't accept 'data.frame' objects in its input. Also, I
vaguely remember having used in the past rcorr() on data frames.


> require(Hmisc)
> rcorr(mtcars[ , 1:4])
Error in storage.mode(x) <- if (.R.) "double" else "single" :
  (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
> rcorr(as.matrix(mtcars[ , 1:4]))
       mpg   cyl  disp    hp
mpg   1.00 -0.85 -0.85 -0.78
cyl  -0.85  1.00  0.90  0.83
disp -0.85  0.90  1.00  0.79
hp   -0.78  0.83  0.79  1.00

n= 32

     mpg cyl disp hp
mpg       0   0    0
cyl   0       0    0
disp  0   0        0
hp    0   0   0

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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