[R] Text wrap

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at me.com
Tue Aug 16 18:30:00 CEST 2011

On Aug 16, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Filoche wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I have a long label that I would like to split. I found that I could use
> "strwrap" for simple text. However, this is not working with this label:
> str = expression(paste("< 20 µm phytoplankton ","(cells · ",mL^-1,")"))
> plot(...., ylab = strwrap(str,20),...)
> I suspect this is because I'm using "expression" for form my label.
> I also tried with \n but this is not working either.
> Regards,
> Phil

plotmath expressions do not support new lines within the expression. From ?plotmath:

 "Control characters (e.g. \n) are not interpreted in character strings in plotmath, unlike normal plotting."

You would need to create each line as a separate expression and use ?mtext, if you wish, to place each line along the axis, using the 'line' argument for placement/spacing.


Marc Schwartz

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