[R] Odp: assign names to vectors in loop
petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Tue Aug 9 13:18:28 CEST 2011
> Dear List,
> I like to assign names to vectors in a loop.
> Here is a short example:
> DMUs <-
> =7, nrow=10))
> colnames(DMUs) <- v_DMUs <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g")
> for (i in v_DMUs)
> assign(paste("eff_val",i,sep="."),abs(rnorm(10)))
> Now I like to find a solution for applying following operation in a loop
> all vectors eff_val.i (with i = a:g) and names in columns (columns i =
> of dataframe DMUs. Perhaps there is a solution without loop, too?!
> names(eff_val.a) <- t(subset(DMUs, select="a"))
> I tried the following. But this results in an error-message!
> for (i in v_DMUs)
> names(paste("eff_val.",i,sep="")) <- t(subset(DMUs,select =
> paste("",i,sep="")))
> I don't know how to beat this bastard ;-)
Pardon me that I do not solve your problem in suggested way. I am not sure
what you really want to do but seems to me that keeping your values in
list could be faR betteR way.
#So i first made a vector from eff_val.x values
for (i in v_DMUs) vec<-c(vec,get(paste("eff_val.",i,sep="")))
#transform DMUs back to matrix
#got rid of dimensons
#put names from mat and values from vec alongside to data frame
result<-data.frame(name=mat, num=vec)
#split the result to those seven chunks
split(result, rep(1:7, each=10)
I am almost sure that it is not what you was about but I feel that you
shall give it a thought.
Lists are much more easier to handle with R then many variables with
yy.xx.i names.
> Thanks for your support.
> Henning
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