[R] Fwd: Need help with xyplot

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Tue Aug 9 12:48:03 CEST 2011

On 08/09/2011 03:10 AM, aziz4 at illinois.edu wrote:
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Wed,  3 Aug 2011 16:06:33 -0500 (CDT)
>> From:<aziz4 at illinois.edu>
>> Subject: Need help with xyplot
>> To: r-help at r-project.org
>> Consider I have the following data:
>> AgeRange	AgeOfPerson	PersonNo	FriendsAtYear0	FriendsAtYear1	FriendsAtYear2	FriendsAtYear3	FriendsAtYear4	FriendsAtYear5
>> 10 - 12	11	1	0	1	2	2	3	3
>> 10 - 12	12	2	0	1	2	2	3	3
>> 15 - 18	13	3	1	2	3	4	6	7
>> 15 - 18	14	4	1	3	4	5	7	7
>> 30 - 40	33	5	3	5	5	6	8	9
>> 30 - 40	36	6	4	4	4	4	4	4
>> I want to plot the number of friends against number of years, as to show how friendships grew over time. Also, I want to group the graphs by AgeRange of persons and also color them with respect to the Age of Persons. So far, I have this code:
>> FilePath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Documents\\Desktop\\Fayez\\ResearchWork\\Pajek_Work\\Program\\2011-03-07-Wed-FriMeetingApr15\\RPractice\\"
>> NumberOfyears<- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5);
>> File2Open = paste(FilePath, "FriendshipNetExample.txt", sep = "")
>> #		print(File2Open)
>> DataTable = read.table(File2Open, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
>> #		print(DataTable)
>> print(xyplot(FriendsAtYear0 + FriendsAtYear1 + FriendsAtYear2 + FriendsAtYear3 + FriendsAtYear4 + FriendsAtYear5
>> ~ AgeOfPerson | AgeRange, data = DataTable, xlab = "Number of Years (0 to 5)", ylab = "Number of Friends", main = "Number of Friends vs. Years",
>> #aspect = "xy", # calculate an optimal aspect ratio
>> panel = function(x,y) {
>> 	panel.grid();
>> 	if (10<= x&&  x<  12)  panel.xyplot(x,y,col="red");
>> 	if (15<= x&&  x<  18)  panel.xyplot(x,y,col="salmon");
>> 	if (30<= x&&  x<  40)  panel.xyplot(x,y,col="maroon");
>> } ) )
>> But it obviously does not serve the purpose. Urgent help would be most appreciated.
Hi Fayez,
I would suggest a "spaghetti plot" where multiple lines track the number 
of friends over time. This may give you some ideas:

  type="b",main="Friends by time",xlab="Year",ylab="Number of friends")


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