[R] Calculate mean ignore null

Jeffrey Joh johjeffrey at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 2 23:47:51 CEST 2011

I have the following: 

Tout = c(".    ", ".    ", 
+ "-51.0", " -9.6", " -9.6", " -9.6", " -9.6", " -9.6", " -9.6", 
+ " -9.6", " -9.5", " -9.5", " -9.6", " -9.5", " -9.6", " -9.6", 
+ " -9.5", " -9.4", " -9.3", " -9.3", " -9.3", " -9.2", " -9.0", 
+ " -9.0", " -8.9", " -8.9", " -8.9")


How can I take the mean while ignoring the null values?  I don't want to delete the ".    ", just ignore.  na.rm=TRUE does not work for this.


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