[R] Plotting question

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Tue Aug 2 12:54:21 CEST 2011

Andrew McCulloch wrote:

> I use R to draw my graphs. I have 100 points on a simple xy-plot. The
> points are distinguished by a third variable which is categorical with 10
> levels. I have been plotting x against y and using gray scales to
> distinguish the level of the categorical variable for each point. It looks
> ok to me but a journal reviewer says this is not any use. I cannot afford
> to pay for colour prints. Any ideas on what is the best way to distinguish
> 10 groups on an xy scatter plot?

How about having *10* scatterplots + an identical grid in each plot? Try


for an idea about it could look (ignore the marginal plots). Of course, do 
use the lattice or the ggplot2 package, not the coplot function.

Too bad you have 10 groups and not 9 (or 12), BTW ... :-/

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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