[R] boundary check
Keith Jewell
k.jewell at campden.co.uk
Fri Sep 24 14:29:40 CEST 2010
Below Baptiste's message I attach the R code and the .Rd documentation I
treated as 'final', it may be slightly different from that in the Dec 2009
I did submit if for inclusion in the geometry package, but last time I
checked it wasn't there.
I have found (and others have reported via private e-mail) that high
dimensional data sets cause crashes (R exits with no warnings or messages).
I tentatively believe this is a 'bug' in convhulln, but tracking it takes me
to a complicated package and compiled code. It isn't a problem for me, so I
can't make time to follow it up.
Keith J
"baptiste auguie" <baptiste.auguie at googlemail.com> wrote in message
news:AANLkTikf3+higWyHWyXEU2bRWqS0x9mtYWz9xzyQ_OLW at mail.gmail.com...
I remember a discussion we had on this list a few months ago for a
better way to decide if a point is inside a convex hull. It eventually
lead to a R function in this post,
I don't know if it was included in the geometry package in the end.
inhull <- function(testpts, calpts, hull=convhulln(calpts),
tol=mean(mean(abs(calpts)))*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
# R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated
30 Oct 2006)
# downloaded from
# with some modifications and simplifications
# Efficient test for points inside a convex hull in n dimensions
#% arguments: (input)
#% testpts - nxp array to test, n data points, in p dimensions
#% If you have many points to test, it is most efficient to
#% call this function once with the entire set.
#% calpts - mxp array of vertices of the convex hull, as used by
#% convhulln.
#% hull - (OPTIONAL) tessellation (or triangulation) generated by convhulln
#% If hull is left empty or not supplied, then it will be
#% generated.
#% tol - (OPTIONAL) tolerance on the tests for inclusion in the
#% convex hull. You can think of tol as the distance a point
#% may possibly lie outside the hull, and still be perceived
#% as on the surface of the hull. Because of numerical slop
#% nothing can ever be done exactly here. I might guess a
#% semi-intelligent value of tol to be
#% tol = 1.e-13*mean(abs(calpts(:)))
#% In higher dimensions, the numerical issues of floating
#% point arithmetic will probably suggest a larger value
#% of tol.
# In this R implementation default
# VALUE: Matlab returns a vector of TRUE (inside/on) or FALSE (outside)
# This R implementation returns an integer vector of length n
# 1 = inside hull
# -1 = inside hull
# 0 = on hull (to precision indicated by tol)
# ensure arguments are matrices (not data frames) and get sizes
calpts <- as.matrix(calpts)
testpts <- as.matrix(testpts)
p <- ncol(calpts) # columns in calpts
cx <- nrow(testpts) # rows in testpts
nt <- nrow(hull) # number of simplexes in hull
# find normal vectors to each simplex
nrmls <- matrix(NA, nt, p) # predefine each nrml as NA,
degenflag <- matrix(TRUE, nt, 1)
for (i in 1:nt) {
nullsp <- t(Null(t(calpts[hull[i,-1],] -
matrix(calpts[hull[i,1],],p-1,p, byrow=TRUE))))
if (dim(nullsp)[1] == 1) { nrmls[i,] <- nullsp
degenflag[i] <- FALSE}}
# Warn of degenerate faces, and remove corresponding normals
if(sum(degenflag) > 0) warning(sum(degenflag)," degenerate faces in
convex hull")
nrmls <- nrmls[!degenflag,]
nt <- nrow(nrmls)
# find center point in hull, and any (1st) point in the plane of each
center = colMeans(calpts)
a <- calpts[hull[!degenflag,1],]
# scale normal vectors to unit length and ensure pointing inwards
nrmls <- nrmls/matrix(apply(nrmls, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))), nt, p)
dp <- sign(apply((matrix(center, nt, p, byrow=TRUE)-a) * nrmls, 1, sum))
nrmls <- nrmls*matrix(dp, nt, p)
# if min across all faces of dot((x - a),nrml) is
# +ve then x is inside hull
# 0 then x is on hull
# -ve then x is outside hull
# Instead of dot((x - a),nrml) use dot(x,nrml) - dot(a, nrml)
aN <- diag(a %*% t(nrmls))
val <- apply(testpts %*% t(nrmls) - matrix(aN, cx, nt, byrow=TRUE),
# code values inside 'tol' to zero, return sign as integer
val[abs(val) < tol] <- 0
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Test if one set of N-D points is inside the convex hull defined by another
R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated 30
Oct 2006)
downloaded from
with some modifications and simplifications
inhull(testpts, calpts, hull = convhulln(calpts), tol =
mean(mean(abs(calpts))) * sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
numeric n x p array representing n points in p dimensions; converted to
matrix by \code{as.matrix(testpts); each point is tested whether inside the
convex hull (defined by calpts or hull). }
numeric m x p array representing m points in p dimensions; converted to
matrix by \code{as.matrix(testpts). If 'hull' is not given,
\code{geometry::convhulln(calpts)} is used to define the convex hull }
(OPTIONAL) tessellation (or triangulation) generated by convhulln. If hull
is left empty or not supplied, then it will be generated.
(OPTIONAL) tolerance on the tests for inclusion in the convex hull. You can
think of tol as the distance a point
may possibly lie outside the hull, and still be perceived
as on the surface of the hull. Because of numerical slop
nothing can ever be done exactly here.
%% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
An integer vector of length n \tabular{rl}{
1 \tab inside hull\cr
-1 \tab inside hull\cr
0 \tab on hull (to precision indicated by tol)
Keith Jewell 2009
submitted for inclusion in geometry package~
%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
%% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
ps <- matrix(rnorm(4000),ncol=4)
xs <- matrix(rnorm(1200),ncol=4)
inhull(xs, ps)
% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
% R documentation directory.
\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line
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