[R] I have a question on nomograms.

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Mar 25 15:25:16 CET 2010

On 25-Mar-10 13:54:38, ЦХ wrote:
> Dear volunteer:
>     I am a graduate student of medcine in china.And now,I am devoting
> myself to constructing a nomograms of bladder cancer.I want to do it
> with R-project.However, I do not know how to construct a nomograms with
> R-project.I want to get yours help,thank you! I wish you can tell me
> the operating procedure of the R-project.
>        And I apologize for my english,it is poor,sorry!
> truly yours
> ding ding  
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Do you mean the sort of thing that can be found at


? (there is one there for bladder cancer)

If so, that is simply a "form-filling" type of front-end to an
algorithm behind the scenes, which calculates the risk. The real
work lies in establishing the algorithm. Certainly, R can be of
great help in this, but it is not possible to indicate which
parts of R may be needed to acheieve it: that will depend on
the data you have available.

The front end (filled in by the user) can be constructed using
(amongst other possibilities) the tcltk package.

First, you need to get a good working knowledge of R. Good places
to start are:

  --> An Introduction to R

  --> R for Beginners
  --> Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics
      - Introduction, Examples and Commentary
  --> Simple R
  --> Practical Regression and Anova using R

Even before that, you will need to decide what statistical methods
(regardless of software) you will need in order to establish the
models which will form the basis of your nomogram.


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 25-Mar-10                                       Time: 14:25:13
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