[R] About the interaction A:B

Jeff Laake Jeff.Laake at noaa.gov
Fri Mar 5 18:41:55 CET 2010

On 3/5/2010 9:19 AM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
> You neglected to state your name and affiliation, and your question 
> demonstrates an allergy to R documentation.
> Frank
I agree with Frank but will try to answer some of your questions as I 
understand it.

First, model.matrix uses the options$contrasts or what is set 
specifically as the contrast for a factor using contrasts().  The 
default is
treatment contrasts and for a factor that means the first level of a 
factor variable is the intercept and the remainder are "treatment" effects
which are added to intercept.  If you specify  Y~A+B+A:B, you are 
specifying the model with main effects (A, B) and interactions (A:B).
If A has m levels and B has n levels then there will be an intercept 
(1), m-1 for A, n-1 for B and (m-1)*(n-1) for the interaction.
If you specify the model as Y~A:B it will specify the model fully with 
interactions which will have m*n separate parameters and none will be
NA as long as you have data in each of the m*n cells.  It makes 
absolutely no sense to me to have an intercept and then all but one of the
remaining interactions included.

Note that you'll get quite different results if A and/or B are not 
factor variables.

> blue sky wrote:
>> The following is the code for the model.matrix. But it still doesn't
>> answer why A:B is interpreted differently in Y~A+B+A:B and Y~A:B. By
>> 'why', I mean how R internally does it and what is the rational behind
>> the way of doing it?
>> And it didn't answer why in the model.matrix of Y~A, there are a-1
>> terms from A plus the intercept, but in the model.matrix of Y~A:B,
>> there are a*b terms (rather than a*b-1 terms) plus the intercept.
>> Since the one coefficient of the lm of Y~A:B is going to be NA, why
>> bother to include the corresponding term in the model matrix?
>> ############code below
>> set.seed(0)
>> a=3
>> b=4
>> AB_effect=data.frame(
>>   name=paste(
>>     unlist(
>>       do.call(
>>         rbind
>>         , rep(list(paste('A', letters[1:a],sep='')), b)
>>         )
>>       )
>>     , unlist(
>>       do.call(
>>         cbind
>>         , rep(list(paste('B', letters[1:b],sep='')), a)
>>         )
>>       )
>>     , sep=':'
>>     )
>>   , value=rnorm(a*b)
>>   , stringsAsFactors=F
>>   )
>> max_n=10
>> n=sample.int(max_n, a*b, replace=T)
>> AB=mapply(function(name, n){rep(name,n)}, AB_effect$name, n)
>> Y=AB_effect$value[match(unlist(AB), AB_effect$name)]
>> Y=Y+a*b*rnorm(length(Y))
>> sub_fr=as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(unlist(AB), ':')))
>> rownames(sub_fr)=NULL
>> colnames(sub_fr)=c('A', 'B')
>> fr=data.frame(Y=Y,sub_fr)
>> my_subset=function(amm) {
>>   coding=apply(
>>     amm
>>     ,1
>>     , function(x) {
>>       paste(x, collapse='')
>>     }
>>     )
>>   amm[match(unique(coding), coding),]
>> }
>> my_subset(model.matrix(Y ~ A*B,fr))
>> my_subset(model.matrix(Y ~ (A+B)^2,fr))
>> my_subset(model.matrix(Y ~ A + B + A:B,fr))
>> my_subset(model.matrix(Y ~ A:B - 1,fr))
>> my_subset(model.matrix(Y ~ A:B,fr))
>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Gabor Grothendieck
>> <ggrothendieck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The way to understand this is to look at the output of model.matrix:
>>> model.matrix(fo, fr)
>>> for each formula you tried.  If your data is large you will have to
>>> use a subset not to be overwhelmed with output.
>>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 9:08 AM, blue sky <bluesky315 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Suppose, 'fr' is data.frame with columns 'Y', 'A' and 'B'. 'A' has 
>>>> levels 'Aa'
>>>> 'Ab' and 'Ac', and 'B' has levels 'Ba', 'Bb', 'Bc' and 'Bd'. 'Y'
>>>> columns are numbers.
>>>> I tried the following three sets of commands. I understand that A*B is
>>>> equivalent to A+B+A:B. However, A:B in A+B+A:B is different from A:B
>>>> just by itself (see the 3rd and 4th set of commands). Would you please
>>>> help me understand why the meanings of A:B are different in different
>>>> contexts?
>>>> I also see the coefficient of AAc:BBd is NA (the last set of
>>>> commands). I'm wondering why this coefficient is not removed from the
>>>> 'coefficients' vector. Since lm(Y~A) has coefficients for (intercept),
>>>> Ab, Ac (there are no NA's), I think that it is reasonable to make sure
>>>> that there are no NA's when there are interaction terms, namely, A:B
>>>> in this case.
>>>> Thank you for answering my questions!
>>>>> alm=lm(Y ~ A*B,fr)
>>>>> alm$coefficients
>>>> (Intercept)         AAb         AAc         BBb         BBc         
>>>> BBd
>>>>  -3.548176   -2.086586    7.003857    4.367800   11.887356   -3.470840
>>>>   AAb:BBb     AAc:BBb     AAb:BBc     AAc:BBc     AAb:BBd     AAc:BBd
>>>>  5.160865  -11.858425  -12.853116  -20.289611    6.727401   -2.327173
>>>>> alm=lm(Y ~ A + B + A:B,fr)
>>>>> alm$coefficients
>>>> (Intercept)         AAb         AAc         BBb         BBc         
>>>> BBd
>>>>  -3.548176   -2.086586    7.003857    4.367800   11.887356   -3.470840
>>>>   AAb:BBb     AAc:BBb     AAb:BBc     AAc:BBc     AAb:BBd     AAc:BBd
>>>>  5.160865  -11.858425  -12.853116  -20.289611    6.727401   -2.327173
>>>>> alm=lm(Y ~ A:B - 1,fr)
>>>>> alm$coefficients
>>>>  AAa:BBa    AAb:BBa    AAc:BBa    AAa:BBb    AAb:BBb    AAc:BBb    
>>>> AAa:BBc
>>>> -3.5481765 -5.6347625  3.4556808  0.8196231  3.8939016 -4.0349449  
>>>> 8.3391795
>>>>  AAb:BBc    AAc:BBc    AAa:BBd    AAb:BBd    AAc:BBd
>>>> -6.6005222 -4.9465744 -7.0190168 -2.3782017 -2.3423322
>>>>> alm=lm(Y ~ A:B,fr)
>>>>> alm$coefficients
>>>> (Intercept)     AAa:BBa     AAb:BBa     AAc:BBa     AAa:BBb     
>>>> AAb:BBb
>>>> -2.34233221 -1.20584424 -3.29243033  5.79801305  3.16195534  
>>>> 6.23623377
>>>>   AAc:BBb     AAa:BBc     AAb:BBc     AAc:BBc     AAa:BBd     AAb:BBd
>>>> -1.69261273 10.68151168 -4.25819000 -2.60424217 -4.67668454 
>>>> -0.03586951
>>>>   AAc:BBd
>>>>        NA

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