[R] Problem using Rmpi

Paco Pastor paco at ceam.es
Wed Jun 9 12:26:21 CEST 2010


Thanks to the help from Uwe Ligges I could update Rmpi package. Now R 
can load the package but it still does not work. Now the problem comes 
when trying to use the first Rmpi command in a basic tutorial:

 > library("Rmpi")
 > mpi.spawn.Rslaves()
Error en mpi.spawn.Rslaves() : You cannot use MPI_Comm_spawn API

Seaching in the list I have found references to this problem but not the 
solution. More info about R and MPICH installation in my system (Ubuntu 
Hardy Heron in a dual AMD Athlon PC) can be found in 

Thanks in advance

Francisco Pastor
Meteorology department
Fundación CEAM
paco en ceam.es
http://www.ceam.es/ceamet - http://www.ceam.es
Parque Tecnologico, C/ Charles R. Darwin, 14
46980 PATERNA (Valencia), Spain
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