[R] Trouble retrieving the second largest value from each row of a data.frame

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Jul 25 03:48:12 CEST 2010

On Jul 24, 2010, at 9:27 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Jul 24, 2010, at 8:09 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
>> On Jul 24, 2010, at 4:54 PM, <mpward at illinois.edu> wrote:
>>> THANKS, but I have one issue and one question.
>>> For some reason the "secondstrongest" value for row 3 and 6 are  
>>> incorrect (they are the strongest) the remaining 10 are correct??
>> In my run of Wiley's code I instead get identical values for rows  
>> 2,5,6. Holtman's and my solutions did not suffer from that defect,  
>> although mine suffered from my misreading of your request, thinking  
>> that you wanted the top 3. The fix is trivial
>>> These data are being used to track radio-tagged birds, they are  
>>> from automated radio telemetry receivers.  I will applying the  
>>> following formula
>>> diff <- ((strongest- secondstrongest)/100)
>>> bearingdiff <-30-(-0.0624*(diff**2))-(2.8346*diff)
>> vals <- c("value0", "value60", "value120", "value180", "value240",  
>> "value300")
>> value.str2 <- (match(yourdata$secondstrongestantenna, vals)-1)*60

Had a misspelling ... rather:

match(yourdata$secondstrongantenna, vals)

>> value.str1 <- (match(yourdata$strongestantenna, vals)-1)*60
>> change.ind <- abs(match(yourdata, vals) - which(match(yourdata,  
>> vals) )
> OOOPs should have been
> change.ind <- abs(match(yourdata, vals) - match(yourdata, vals) )
>>> A) Then the bearing diff is added to strongestantenna (value0 =  
>>> 0degrees) if the secondstrongestatenna is greater (eg value0 and  
>>> value60),
>>> B) or if the secondstrongestantenna is smaller than the  
>>> strongestantenna,
>>> then the bearingdiff is substracted from the strongestantenna.
> yourdata$finalbearing <- with(yourdata, ifelse  
> (value.str2>value.str1, bearingdiff+value.str1, value.str1- 
> bearingdiff) )
>>> C) The only exception is that if value0 (0degrees) is strongest  
>>> and value300(360degrees) is the secondstrongestantenna then the  
>>> bearing is 360-bearingdiff.
> yourdata$finalbearing <- with(yourdata, ifelse (strongestantenna ==  
> "value0" & secondstrongantenna == "value300", 360- bearingdiff,  
> finalbearing) );
>>> D) Also the strongestantenna and secondstrongestantenna have to be  
>>> next to each other (e.g. value0 with value60, value240 with  
>>> value300, value0 with value300) or the results should be NA.
>> After setting finalbearing with A, B, and C then:
>> yourdata$finalbearing <- with(yourdata, ifelse (
>>                               change.ind <5 & change.ind > 1 ,
>>                                            NA, finalbearing) )

Better result with proper creation of value.str2:
    strongest secondstrongest strongestantenna secondstrongantenna  
1     -11072          -11707         value120             value60     
2     -11176          -11799         value120            value180     
3     -11113          -11778         value120             value60     
4     -11071          -11561         value120             
value240           NA
5     -11067          -11638         value120            value180     
6     -11068          -11698           value0             value60      
7     -11092          -11607         value120             
value240           NA
8     -11061          -11426         value120             
value240           NA
9     -11137          -11736         value120             value60     
10    -11146          -11779         value300              value0     

>>> I have been trying to use a series of if,else statements to  
>>> produce these bearing,
> ifelse is the correct construct for processing vectors
> -- 
> David.
>>> but all I am producing is errors. Any suggestion would be  
>>> appreciated.
>>> Again THANKS for you efforts.
>>> Mike
>>> ---- Original message ----
>>>> Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 23:01:56 -0700
>>>> From: Joshua Wiley <jwiley.psych at gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [R] Trouble retrieving the second largest value from  
>>>> each row of  a data.frame
>>>> To: mpward at illinois.edu
>>>> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Here is a little function that will do what you want and return a  
>>>> nice output:
>>>> #Function To calculate top two values and return
>>>> my.finder <- function(mydata) {
>>>> my.fun <- function(data) {
>>>> strongest <- which.max(data)
>>>> secondstrongest <- which.max(data[-strongest])
>>>> strongestantenna <- names(data)[strongest]
>>>> secondstrongantenna <- names(data[-strongest])[secondstrongest]
>>>> value <- matrix(c(data[strongest], data[secondstrongest],
>>>>                   strongestantenna, secondstrongantenna), ncol =4)
>>>> return(value)
>>>> }
>>>> dat <- apply(mydata, 1, my.fun)
>>>> dat <- t(dat)
>>>> dat <- as.data.frame(dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
>>>> colnames(dat) <- c("strongest", "secondstrongest",
>>>>                  "strongestantenna", "secondstrongantenna")
>>>> dat[ , "strongest"] <- as.numeric(dat[ , "strongest"])
>>>> dat[ , "secondstrongest"] <- as.numeric(dat[ , "secondstrongest"])
>>>> return(dat)
>>>> }
>>>> #Using your example data:
>>>> yourdata <- structure(list(value0 = c(-13007L, -12838L, -12880L,  
>>>> -12805L,
>>>> -12834L, -11068L, -12807L, -12770L, -12988L, -11779L), value60 =  
>>>> c(-11707L,
>>>> -13210L, -11778L, -11653L, -13527L, -11698L, -14068L, -11665L,
>>>> -11736L, -12873L), value120 = c(-11072L, -11176L, -11113L, -11071L,
>>>> -11067L, -12430L, -11092L, -11061L, -11137L, -12973L), value180 =  
>>>> c(-12471L,
>>>> -11799L, -12439L, -12385L, -11638L, -12430L, -11709L, -12373L,
>>>> -12570L, -12537L), value240 = c(-12838L, -13210L, -13089L, -11561L,
>>>> -13527L, -12430L, -11607L, -11426L, -13467L, -12973L), value300 =  
>>>> c(-13357L,
>>>> -13845L, -13880L, -13317L, -13873L, -12814L, -13025L, -12805L,
>>>> -13739L, -11146L)), .Names = c("value0", "value60", "value120",
>>>> "value180", "value240", "value300"), class = "data.frame",  
>>>> row.names = c("1",
>>>> "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"))
>>>> my.finder(yourdata) #and what you want is in a nicely labeled  
>>>> data frame
>>>> #A potential problem is that it is not very efficient
>>>> #Here is a test using a matrix of 100,000 rows
>>>> #sampled from the same range as your data
>>>> #with the same number of columns
>>>> data.test <- matrix(
>>>> sample(seq(min(yourdata),max(yourdata)), size = 500000, replace =  
>>>> TRUE),
>>>> ncol = 5)
>>>> system.time(my.finder(data.test))
>>>> #On my system I get
>>>>> system.time(my.finder(data.test))
>>>> user  system elapsed
>>>> 2.89    0.00    2.89
>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>> Josh
>>>> On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 6:20 PM,  <mpward at illinois.edu> wrote:
>>>>> I have a data frame with a couple million lines and want to  
>>>>> retrieve the largest and second largest values in each row,  
>>>>> along with the label of the column these values are in. For  
>>>>> example
>>>>> row 1
>>>>> strongest=-11072
>>>>> secondstrongest=-11707
>>>>> strongestantenna=value120
>>>>> secondstrongantenna=value60
>>>>> Below is the code I am using and a truncated data.frame.   
>>>>> Retrieving the largest value was easy, but I have been getting  
>>>>> errors every way I have tried to retrieve the second largest  
>>>>> value.  I have not even tried to retrieve the labels for the  
>>>>> value yet.
>>>>> Any help would be appreciated
>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> data<- 
>>>>>> data.frame(value0,value60,value120,value180,value240,value300)
>>>>>> data
>>>>> value0 value60 value120 value180 value240 value300
>>>>> 1  -13007  -11707   -11072   -12471   -12838   -13357
>>>>> 2  -12838  -13210   -11176   -11799   -13210   -13845
>>>>> 3  -12880  -11778   -11113   -12439   -13089   -13880
>>>>> 4  -12805  -11653   -11071   -12385   -11561   -13317
>>>>> 5  -12834  -13527   -11067   -11638   -13527   -13873
>>>>> 6  -11068  -11698   -12430   -12430   -12430   -12814
>>>>> 7  -12807  -14068   -11092   -11709   -11607   -13025
>>>>> 8  -12770  -11665   -11061   -12373   -11426   -12805
>>>>> 9  -12988  -11736   -11137   -12570   -13467   -13739
>>>>> 10 -11779  -12873   -12973   -12537   -12973   -11146
>>>>>> #largest value in the row
>>>>>> strongest<-apply(data,1,max)
>>>>>> #second largest value in the row
>>>>>> n<-function(data)(1/(min(1/(data[1,]-max(data[1,]))))+  
>>>>>> (max(data[1,])))
>>>>>> secondstrongest<-apply(data,1,n)
>>>>> Error in data[1, ] : incorrect number of dimensions
>>>>> ______________________________________________
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>>>>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Joshua Wiley
>>>> Ph.D. Student, Health Psychology
>>>> University of California, Los Angeles
>>>> http://www.joshuawiley.com/
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