[R] How to import simple java/mathematica expression to R

Andrey Siver andrey.siver at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 19:29:00 CEST 2010


2010/7/23 jim holtman <jholtman at gmail.com>:
> It would be nice if you could post what the data looks like that you
> want to import.  R can import any text file and then you have string
> manipulation that you can do to parse it.  So the basic answer is
> probably yes, but we do need to understand the format of the data to
> give a more precise answer.

I put the target expression to minimize (with some constrains) here:


Is it possible to import it as a function to minimize?

> What is the problem that you are trying to solve?

We solve a problem for parameters estimation with ties.

Thank You for the answer.



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